Category "word-embedding"

How to store Bag of Words or Embeddings in a Database

I would like to store vector features, like Bag-of-Words or Word-Embedding vectors of a large number of texts, in a dataset, stored in a SQL Database. What're t

ReadError: file could not be opened successfully. But I am not sure where the tar file is stored to resolve this

I am using biobert-embeddings==0.1.2 and torch==1.2.0 versions to embed some documents. But, I get the following error when I try to load the model by from biob

Bert embedding layer raises 'ValueError: A target array with shape ' with BiLSTM in keras tensorflow

I've problems integrating Bert Embedding Layer in a BiLSTM model for text classification task. My dataset is in the form where each row has 2 columns: text and

tensorflow2.x keras Embedding layer process tf.dataset error

This question is a follow-up of tensorflow 2 TextVectorization process tensor and dataset error I would like to make do a word embedding for the processed text

Read GloVe pre-trained embeddings into R, as a matrix

Working in R. I know the pre-trained GloVe embeddings (e.g., "glove.6B.50d.txt") can be found here: However, I've had

How to calculate similarity for pre-trained word embeddings

I want to know the most similar words to another from a pretrained embedding vectors in R. E.g: words similar to "beer". For this, I download the pretrained emb

Ensure the gensim generate the same Word2Vec model for different runs on the same data

In LDA model generates different topics everytime i train on the same corpus , by setting the np.random.seed(0), the LDA model will always be initialized and tr