Category "pca"

How to plot the pricipal vectors of each variable after performing PCA?

My question mainly comes from this post : In the article, the author plotted the v

How to perform PCA and UMAP dimensionality reduction with multiple images together

I have implemented PCA and UMAP dimensionality reduction for a single hyperspectral image. I didn't any problem. But now I have multiple hyperspectral images(mo

Retrieving PCA variables coefficients from PCA components

I am trying to explain a final score in the final assessment (predicted variable) via the scores of continuous assessment in seven subjects (predictive variable

What is the data type of X in pca.fit_transform(X)?

I got a word2vec model abuse_model trained by Gensim. I want to apply PCA and make a plot on CERTAIN words that I only care about (vs. all words in the model).

PCA on sklearn - how to interpret pca.components_

I ran PCA on a data frame with 10 features using this simple code: pca = PCA() fit = The result of pca.explained_variance_ratio_ shows: array

Plot PCA loadings and loading in biplot in sklearn (like R's autoplot)

I saw this tutorial in R w/ autoplot. They plotted the loadings and loading labels: autoplot(prcomp(df), data = iris, colour = 'Species', loadings =