Category "echo"

Echo off in bat file isn't working

So I wrote a short bat file which creates user and some more: @echo off net user egzamin /add net user egzaming /expires:17/07/17 net user egzamin /logonpasswo

How to overwrite a multiline string in bash?

I have this code snippet, which allows to overwrite a string in bash if used multiple times: echo -ne "String 1 \r" echo -ne "String 2 \r" Output: String 2

How to put php code inside opening and closing shortcodes

I am working on a site and I am using a shortcode in my template files that has an opening and close. I would like to know if its possible to place wordpress th

PHP to search within txt file and echo the whole line

Using php, I'm trying to create a script which will search within a text file and grab that entire line and echo it. I have a text file (.txt) titled "numorder

Php Does not print date in input

PHP 5.3 Friends, I'm trying to insert the current date into an input, but it's not right, what do I do? I tried everything and I can not find a solution, but in