Category "android-broadcast"

What android broadcasts are sent by gmaps while navigating?

I am developing an android application which captures the location of every turn the user made while navigating from a source to a destination. My application w

How to detect change in time each second in Android?

I am creating a custom watch face for android by following this tutorial. I have implemented broadcast receiver to detect change in time as follows: Inside my

android - broadcast receiver - caller verification

I am writing an Android application wherein I need to receive some broadcasts sent by the system. I want to make sure the broadcasts are indeed sent by the syst

BroadcastReceiver not working when app is not running

In my manifest file I have declared the receiver. (as follows) <receiver android:name=".OnAlarmReceive" /> however, once I shut down my application, I

Listen to incoming Whatsapp messages/notifications

I'm working on a notification based app, for which I need to listen to incoming notifications. I've been able to listen to incoming calls, SMS, mail etc. I have