Category "mongo-shell"

Trying to call function by using db.eval("functionName()") in mongoDB compass version 4.4 But getting error as TypeError: db.eval is not a function

db.system.js.insertOne({ _id: 'getMachinewiseLogDat', value: function () { return db.Smx_22235_ShiftOEEDaily.aggregate([ { $group: {

RoboMongo can't use array filters?

Following on from "How to update collection and increment hours for ISO date". It seem that RoboMongo can't execute a query with an array filter: This same

Readiness probe failes because mongosh --eval freezes

I installed the latest bitnami/mongodb chart for a standalone architecture. The Readiness and Liveness-probes are failing because the statement mongosh --eval "

How to "require(module)" in mongo shell

I am writing a mongo shell script for data management. I want to write it using modular code that makes use of function libraries as modules. In some cases, m