Category "minikube"

Error when trying to expose a docker container in minikube

I am using minikube to learn about docker, but I have come across a problem. I am following along with the examples in Kubernetes in Action, and I am trying to

Access mysql running on localhost from minikube

I am running some services in minikube and trying to connect to mysql running on localhost( on 3306 port. I read this and trying to create service a

minikube tunnel command show an error when add a route

I've installed minikube over VirtualBox in a Windows 10 Home I am trying to run command: minikube tunnel but I get an error: Status: machine: minikube

minikube ip is not reachable

I have created one service called fleetman-webapp: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: fleetman-webapp spec: selector: app: webapp ports: - n

Unable to access a NodePort service on Minikube

I have minikube running. Minikube status results into: kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at And I defined a Service, wit

Minikube got stuck when creating container

I recently got started to learn Kubernetes by using Minikube locally in my Mac. Previously, I was able to start a local Kubernetes cluster with Minikube 0.10.0,

Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout

On minikube for windows I created a deployment on the kubernetes cluster, then I tried to scale it by changing replicas from 1 to 2, and after that kubectl hang

Error from server (NotFound): pods "$(kubectl" not found

In the minikube hyper-v machine I did deployment of sawtooth-0, using sawtooth config file. Now when I am checking running pods it seems to have some default o

Istio + minikube + Nginx (React). Cannot get access from browser nor CURL

When I deploy without ingress-gateway I can get access via port-forwarding directly to LoadBalancer of application in the browser. But through ingress-gateway i

How to create more than one cluster in minikube

I need to create additional cluster in minikube. I searched for a while I haven't got any resource on this.How to create a cluster in minikube?

Issue with minikube / kvm2

I have this issue when running "minikube start --vm-driver kvm2": E0109 11:23:34.536027 22169 start.go:187] Error starting host: Error starting stopped

minikube does not start on ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Exiting due to GUEST_PROVISION

I am trying to setup minikube in a VM with ubuntu desktop 20.04 LTS installed, using docker driver. I've followed the steps here, and also taken into considerat

How to fix issue of 'Unable to connect to the server: EOF' Kubernetes - Kubectl

When I try any kubectl command, it always returns: Unable to connect to the server: EOF I followed these tutorials:

cannot mount NFS share on my Mac PC to minikube cluster

Problem To make k8s multinodes dev env, I was trying to use NFS persistent volume in minikube with multi-nodes and cannot run pods properly. It seems there's so

How I can add root CA to minikube?

My company uses it's own root CA and when I'm trying to pull images. Even from a private registry I'm getting error: 1h 3m 22 {kubelet minikube}

telepresence: error: connector.Connect: kubeconfig has no context definition

Unable to connect to k8s with telepresence. I using minikube as my util to manage k8s and using telepresence to develop my code with k8s. Sometimes it will work

How to access Kubernetes API when using minkube?

What is correct way to kubernetes cluster setup using minikube through the kubernetes api ? At the moment, I can't find a port through which the kubernetes clus