Category "web3js"

Get transfer event for BNB on Binance Smart Chain Using Web3.js

Please I would like to know how I could get only transfer event of BNB on BSC using web3.js Objective: Each time a user makes a BNB deposit to an address on my

Issues with loading consecutive files on 3js

I am trying to create a 3d model viewing website for various student projects. Currently pulling from the 3js library to reference OBJs and MTLs on server. The

Decode constructor arguments in solidity

I playing Ethernaut Level 8. The goal is to get access to the private password state variable and unlock the contract. I know one could use await contract.unloc

Sender account not recognized on private ethereum network

I'm currently developing a dApp in Solidity and am working on a web3 library to handle communication with it. I struggle with the process of new account creati

Does approve take time to be confirmed, and how to deal with this in BSC?

Hi I am doing BSC DApp using web3 with react. I am very new to this field. I found after call approve, the transfer(or zapInToken in my case) will not be succes

Is there any way to initiate a disconnect request to the Metamask wallet?

I'm building a decentralized application where users can connect their cryptocurrency wallet (Metamask) to my website. They can initiate a connection request by

Sending BNB with web3js won't log errors

I have this code that allows me to send bnb using web3.js using MetaMask I want to display a message when user rejects payment or there is any other error and i

Reference error window not defined error in Web3

Here is my code: import Web3 from './web3'; if (window.ethereum) { window.web3 = new Web3(ethereum); try { // Request account access if needed

Cannot find module web3

I simply am trying to import web3 to my project and for whatever reason I cannot seem to resolve the issue I am facing. The relevant code is posted below: Examp

WalletConnect & web3js - how to forget previously set wallet?

I'm writig a dApp using web3Modal and web3js libraries. I have an issue regarding the WalletConnect provider. Upon choosing to connect using WalletConnect, the

Issue with Web3.js, try to call he contract to see the state

Hi everyone! I tried to make a call to the state of a contract developed on truffle, using web3.js in React, the problem is this, when I try to see the price of

wallet-connect importKey error when uploaded to test server, but local server it works fine

I was trying out wallet-connect for my nft market place app . i have mostly everything set up from my end . Just that my wallet-connect works perfectly in local

Non-Ethereum browser detected. You should consider trying MetaMask

Im having a simple UI where i need a metamask connect button but when i use this code i keep getting the "Non-Ethereum browser detected. You should consider try

metaplex and solana web3 dependency conflict (react.js)

I am developing a react app and I have code from 2 different applications I wrote Application A uses metaplex to find all the NFT's owned by a user (wallet addr

Powerapps code components with react and web3

I am doing a very simple powerapps code component project using react and web3. As soon as I build the project, I get a bunch of errors. Many of them I managed

How to get cw20 token details from terra.js

I can get cw20 token balance using this code snippet const response = await terraConfig.wasm.contractQuery(tokenAddress, { balance: { address: walletAddress }

Why is a transaction consuming gas for a public view function?

I deployed the following smart contract on Ropsten ethereum test network and afterwards I tried making a transaction using @alch/alchemy-web3 npm package (Yes,

Web3 contract call is always returning null

I am trying to connect to a smart contract deployed using Truffle. I am using Web3 from a React app but when I make a call to any of the contract functions I al

How to fix Invalid sender error when sending a signed transaction with ethereumjs-tx?

I am getting invalid sender when trying to send a signed transaction. Here is the error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Returned error: invalid sender and this i

Why Web3 .GetReserves() is spamming my console?

My code below gets the data correctly; however, there is one problem where when I try to get the reserves of a token. It spams the data over and over again to t