Category "microsoft-teams"

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

MS Teams, Adaptive Card, Copy-Paste functionality

MS Teams application ... I send Adaptive Card to the client and Bot handles card actions. How can I add/implement copy-paste functionality? Client will copy the

Is there any way to align the table contents in the same line in the teams bot framework?

The below image shows how the current table is displayed on teams. We can see that the cells are not aligned properly. Using adaptive card (columnset). The imag

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework? Or is it possible to update user state via connector API?

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework, if bot send message to user via connector API? Or is it possible to update user state vi

Add different icons for teams custom apps outline?

I have a problem, I want to add different icons when my app is selected and when my app is not selected in teams, something similar to what we have for the defa

Custom data in Channel and Message level in Microsoft Teams

How to keep some custom metadata in channel and message level in the Microsoft teams app?

Microsoft Teams HttpPost Action print http return status

We want to know what is the best way to do : an alert is sent to the MS teams channel, the alert contains "Approve" and "Deny" Both "Approve" or "Deny" has "Htt

Requesting list of a users microhone and headset & phone devices

The audio, video conferencing devices, microhones headset and other devices which are used for microsoft team calls and conferences, where are thisdata is st

Alerts firing on Prometheus but not on Alertmanager

I can't seem to find out why Alertmanager is not getting alerts from Prometheus. I would appreciate a swift assistance on this challenge. I'm fairly new with us

MS Teams static tab with content bot id shows error in personal chat scope

I am building a static tab for MS Teams with contentBotId specified.The staticTabs manifest entry looks as following: "staticTabs": [ { "entityId":

Microsoft Teams channel webhook URL format validation - any consistent pattern/documentation?

I'm building an app that allows the user to input a Teams channel webhook connector URL for notifications. I want to be able to do some basic validation on the

Microsoft Teams - Android version - Deeplink not working

I have a Microsoft Teams application developed as a Personal App. This app is having few different personal tabs in that. The app works fine in the Desktop, web

Add image with sign in button in bot MS Teams

i am using OAuthPromptSettings to display a simple button. but now i want to display an image above and then display the "Sign in " button on MS Teams. I have a

Microsoft Teams ‘chats: getAllMessages’ API on 'v1.0'

As per the documentation ‘chats: getAllMessages’ (GET /users/{id | user-principal-name}/chats/getAllMessages) of MSTeams Export API is available onl

Asp.Net Web Forms App integrate into MS Teams

I have a Asp.Net Web Forms app which I have built. I would like to have it integrated into a MS Teams site, but im unsure which Authentication model to use wit

Send the message to personal chat instead of group chat using ms teams chatbot

I would like to post a message to personal chat instead of group chat while message post from group chat how to achieve this ?. Is there is any methods availabl

How to share content via deep link in a Teams app?

I am developing a small Teams app also using the Teams-SDK. I am currently looking for a way to share contents from within my app in Teams (either via a chat or

Build a yes/no form in teams with adaptive cards

I wanted to build a messaging extension in Teams that sends an adaptive card to everyone in the chat of that team. I've already created and send the card. Now,

Build a yes/no form in teams with adaptive cards

I wanted to build a messaging extension in Teams that sends an adaptive card to everyone in the chat of that team. I've already created and send the card. Now,

What are the package name for google meet and Microsoft teams in Android and iOS?

I wanted to know the package name for Google meet in Android and iOS. Currently I know the package name for Zoom and Teams in Android manifest. This is my Andro