Category "loops"

How to rename iterably object properties

Every Object properties have underscored the first letter; I wanna delete this first substring, and try the string method "replace" to all object properties, bu

Pass parameter from list in file

i'm struggling with this topic: I've a file with a list of IDs, something like this: 34 23 478 12579 342356 On the other side, i've a command that i want to ru

List of data to copy into another sheet and generate PDF

I have a list where I have to copy date in each row in another worksheet and Save it as PDF Data is in each row in "Instruction" tab, that need to be copied in

Count Occurrences of Seven Integers in Array

I have written the code below and it has comments attached. The application is to read seven integers entered by the user. The application then prints out the n

shell scripting nested loops. How to run inner loop along with the parent loop [duplicate]

I have two log files with the application names and the failed reasons , first.log Application 01 Application 02 Application 03 Applicatio

Show Pandas Dataframe in for loop

I have a for-loop in which I build a pandas dataframe and everytime the loop starts over, the dataframe is updated. What I would like to do is to depict this ta

Split string of possibly adjacent elements of unknown length by type in JS

Given a string (actually a svg path) such as: "M72 0v754h405v-86h-311v-211h302v-86h-302v-285h311v-86h-405z" I want to obtain an array where each element is eit

How do you Multiply numbers in a loop in Python from a list of user inputs

I need to create something that can multiply values no matter how many values there are. My idea is to use a list and then get the sum of the list with the sum

Replace_na with map function

penguins %>% map(~replace_na(list(.=0))) Why the code above didnt work to replace na in the dataset penguins? The result is below # A tibble: 8 x 1 .

Write to console while waiting for input

I am a beginner in programming and I need to write a c# console app that does something (let's suppose writes stars to console) in a loop until user inputs a co

Mutiple iterators in for loop Java not working properly

I am trying to pass a Javascript code to Java, but I've got a problem with the for loop, I have a for with 2 iterators in my Javascript code, and it is working

Binary Gap Program in Java

My problem statement: A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the b

Python: How to read multiple .NBT files and export to JSON?

I am a newbie when it comes to programming and i'm looking for a way to iterate through a directory filled with .NBT files and export them to JSON. I know i can

My array inputs will not stay when I push a value (Javascript)

Good day everyone, I have some troubles with pushing a value into an empty array. Currently, I want to push a value (subLayerLength); there is only one value th

IndexError: list index out of range in for loop

I write a code in python but I faced this error : if a1[i] == a1[i+1] == a1[i+2]: IndexError: list index out of range I write an if condition that if my list l

Loop through filtered criteria only once

The goal of this script is to loop through each criteria filtered in Column C, starting from C8 where my header is located. The information below will be a list

Looping through all files in a directory [duplicate]

I want to write a shell script that will loop through all the files in a directory and echo "put ${filename}". Can anyone point me in the righ

trying to convert C to Lisp

I am trying to convert this code to lisp code. But don't know how to do it is it right? for (j=i-1; j>=0 && list[j]>key; j--) { list[j+1] = li

insert variable into url during for loop

I'm trying to do a scrape via a for loop. I just need to insert the date ranges in "seasons" each time through into the curly brackets in "url." I provided "bas

How to loop and display array of objects and their nested arrays

I need help, I got stuck on objects with multiple nested arrays. I have a json file which consists of object, that holds array of objects, and these objects hav