Category "boost"

Prevent clang tidy to report warnings on Boost Test headers

I have a Cmake project that uses Boost.UnitTest for testing. When I do static analysis with clang-tidy it reports some warnings from the Boost.UnitTest headers.

bjam: Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find "boost-build.jam"

When running the bjam command I always come up with the following error. I know I'm missing something like setting the env variables but not sure what should be

How do I stop project with boost dependency finding the wrong ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} location, when building in Visual Studio 2019 with CMake

I am attempting to build the fruit library -, in Visual Studio 2019 When I ran the install step for the first time it was unable

Creating a HTTPS request using Boost Asio and OpenSSL

I have created a simple HTTP request wherein I am sending GET,POST and PUT requests to the server. Next I want to switch to HTTPS connection using boost asio li

Implementing a client connection function that waits for the server in capnproto

I'm trying to implement in capnproto something like boost's connect function which blocks and retries until the server is up, or basic_socket::async_connect tha

cmake v3.15.3 cannot find boost v1.71.0

I am trying to build from source the following software in Windows 10: I have also installed the latest version of the b

Boost MSM call .process_event on outerSM's orthogonal region from submachine

I implemented the depicted state machine as a minimum example in boost::msm. The Code may be reviewed here: As sh

shared_from_this causing bad_weak_ptr

I am trying to keep a list of connected clients in asio. I have adapted the chat server example from the docs (

CMake - how to build Boost after downloading it with FetchContent?

My goal is to download the Boost repository if it isn't found and then build it the default way, i.e. using boostrap and b2 tools. I know, I can download it l

Is it possible to initialize the fixture only once and use it in multiple test cases?

Is it possible to have the fixture initialized only once and use it in multiple test cases within the same test suite? In the following example, fixture is cons