Category "iot"

AWS IoT Device online/offline check

I am currently working on an IoT device using AWS IoT core. I am new to working with IoT device. What is the standard/best way for determining whether the dev

TDengine import from csv file

Just found the speed for importing sorted csv file is faster than the speed for importing unsorted csv file in TDengine database, each csv file has 1000000 rows

How do I use the data from subscribe part (mqtt)

I am now doing a robot and I use mqtt to communicate between raspi and computer. Now, I want to use the string I have published from the computer. but I don't k

How do I keep my Async method thread safe?

I need to write a method in my Windows Universal App to write to the SD card. How can I ensure two threads do not try to write to the same file at the same tim

How to convert date time in hex in android

I need to convert date and time in hex code for writing it on IOT device. Here is my code private String getDateTimeToHexa() { Calendar mCalendar = Calendar

Creating the topic rule does not create the trigger on the lambda

This issue looks very much like a bug but I believe there must be something wrong in my terraform file because I can't find anybody on the web having the same p

Kafka cluster security for IOT

I am new to the Kafka and want to deploy Kafka Production cluster for IOT. We will be receiving messages from Raspberry Pi over the internet to our Kafka cluste

Looking for ways to access TIME parameter from Thingsboard

I am looking for a way a way to check from the Thingsboard server the status (ONLINE/OFFLINE) of the device connected to it. In other words, I'm looking for a w

how to change setmode(board) t setmode(bcm)

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.Board) ControlPin = [16,18,22,29] for pin in ControlPin: GPIO.setup(pin, GP

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'syft.frameworks'

I am trying to work on this example of Federated Learning. I have installed the PySyft package bu