Category "reportportal"

Install reportportal on kube get error : starting Tomcat context. Exception: org...message: Error creating bean with name 'servletEndpointRegistrar'

I've installed reportportal 5.7.0 to kubernetes cluster. I've implemented it from doc: From

problems getting ThreadedTCPServer to work with selenium and report-portal

I've encountered a behavior that I simply do not understand. Implementing a ThreadedTCPServer with selenium was working fine until I decided to attach reportpor

How do I set up the calculation of tests(not steps) in the statistics of the report portal?

I ran into a problem - I can not configure statistics for passing tests (not steps). All dashboards are built on the basis of counting the test steps. Nowhere c

Report Portal - How to avoid unwanted logs in console?

I get the below messages for every test step, which is bit annoying. I need to process the console logs in a different way. send: b'PUT /api/v2/superadmin_pe

Report Portal - How to avoid unwanted logs in console?

I get the below messages for every test step, which is bit annoying. I need to process the console logs in a different way. send: b'PUT /api/v2/superadmin_pe

What is this dependency error with Report portal?

I have Cucumber Jbehave Test Automation framework which I am trying to sync up with Report Portal. I updated pom.xml, log4j2.xml and fil

Is there a way to integrate Cypress reporter with "report portal" and "mochawesome"

I am trying to integrate cypress resporting with report portal and mochawaesome. The goal is to get both reports. I have tried this in the cypress.json "repor