Category "spi"

MCP3464 Micropython

I want to read the result of a conversion of the MCP 3464 with a ESP32 I can read registers and write registers. But when I want to read the result of conversio

SPI Hardware Protocol of Trusted Platform Modules (looking for minimal working example)

I am making my first steps in communication with an Infineon OPTIGA TPM SLM 9670 TPM 2.0 via its SPI interface. I got some first help here, but struggling again

Why Different modes are provided in SPI communication?

I am reading various documents over the internet, and find some data and communication mechanism about how SPI protocol works. but I am unable to find the logic

An SPI class of type org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec with name 'Lucene54' does not exist

With lucene-core-5.5.2 i am facing problem a in weblogic server. standalone search application works but when i deploy as WEB APP it is failing with below error