Category "instantiation"

Unity Instantiate bug

I’ve created a script that should spawn enemies in some time, and it works perfectly. However, for some reason it shows errors, even then it spawns enemie

When does instantiation happens for explicit instantiation of a function template

Hi i am learning about explicit instantiation. And so reading different examples but in one example have some doubts. The example is given below and i have 2 do

Having trouble creating overloaded constructor, instantiating an object

I'm new with Java and I'm having trouble going along with my teacher's video lectures (I'm taking an online class), and I'm having trouble with this assignment:

Create empty array using reflection [duplicate]

How do I create empty array of a type given by reflection? I have tried using the Activator.CreateInstance(Type) method: Type arrayType = typ

Spawning rigidbodies with velocity

So I am making a gun in a Godot game. I want to use rigidbodies for the bullets, and it spawns like normal out of the gun. However, I cannot seem to find a way