Category "uiscrollview"

my app crash in uikit ,only happen on IPhone X and above exception name NSInternalInconsistencyException

Failed to load bounding path bitmap data from the asset manager for asset name: BoundingPathBitmap-1125x2436-375x812-3.00x The crash happen on the viewcontroll

navigation bar back ground color will change into wrong color when table view scrolls in swift 4

I seen this video on you tube But the problem is that navigation bar color will not change color into correct color

GestureRecognizer in scrollView not working

I moved all my UIElements in a scrollView to avoid a loaded UIViewcontroller. But now the GestureRecognizers on the view does not work anymore. My View hierarc

ScrollingView editable in height Xamarin.ios

I have been trying to create a ScrollingView on Xamarin.ios for several days now which shrinks and enlarges when I establish it, showing a larger scrollable par

when i scroll down viewController shaking

Hello guys ,I have problem when i try scrolling down my viewcontroller shaking ,i couldn't find error.In other view controller haven't errors like this... How

How to make UIScrollView inside a UIScrollView act simultaneously

I'm using a UIScrollView (UIScrollView_1) with paging enabled to move between 3 pages horizontally. On the last page there is multiple UIScrollViews (each one i

ScrollView not covering entire screen in XCode

I'm running into an issue that has me rather puzzled. I have a UIView in Xcode with a ScrollView inside of it. I also have a UIView inside the ScrollView that I

Proper way to check if a sub view is outside of the content size of its parent UIScrollView

I have an app that has a UIScrollView with an array of thumbnails for videos. When you touch the thumbnail, the thumbnail begins playing the video. However, whe

Background alpha transition while scrolling

In a page I am using a scroll view to show two views. For scrolling to each view I have to change the Background alpha in different manner (Or I have to show di

UIScrollView not scrolling when adding UIButtons as subviews

I'm trying to build a simple UIScrollView with paging to horizontally scroll between 3 images. The tricky part is that I would like that each image would be cli

iOS 11 scrolling infinite when keyboard pops up

As im working on with the login screen on iOS native app, app worked exactly fine till ios 10. on iOS 11 onwards the topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide, i hav

Snap to center of a cell when scrolling UICollectionView horizontally

I know some people have asked this question before but they were all about UITableViews or UIScrollViews and I couldn't get the accepted solution to work for me

Integrated Form Doesn't Move When Text Fields Are Selected

I have embedded a ScrollView within a UIViewController which contains multiple text fields that will act as a simple form to collect user data (Name, email, etc

Integrated Form Doesn't Move When Text Fields Are Selected

I have embedded a ScrollView within a UIViewController which contains multiple text fields that will act as a simple form to collect user data (Name, email, etc

Scrolling is disabled when adding UIPanGestureRecognizer to UIScrollView

I have a scroll view and I want to make it disappear whenever a pan is done. It works fine and on panning the scroll view disappears but the problem is now I c

How to resign first responder from text field when user tap elsewhere?

I have filled my view with ScrollView (same size as the view) and I'm stuck at how to resign first responder when user tap elsewhere in the View (or the scrollv