Category ".net-5"

How to migrate a .Net standard project to .Net 5 in solution?

I have a VS solution that contains both .Net CORE and .Net standard projects. I have just changed all the .Net CORE projects to use .Net 5 by switching the Targ

WPF goes to the top of each pages when navigating/reloading page

I'm very new to WPF .net 5.0 framework. Every time I navigate to a different page in a frame, it maintains the scroll position instead of going back to the top

PayPal Checkout popup randomly closes

We are having an issue in a Blazor WebAssembly app, which is using PayPal buttons for users to Add Funds to the system's wallet. The issue is random, sometimes

How to serialize enum as string in Function App running on .net5 with OpenAPI/Swagger?

I am exploring Function App running on .net5 in the new isolated mode. I have HTTP triggered functions that I want to advertise via OpenAPI / Swagger. To do so,

Asp.Net Core : Get the value after siding in DbContext?

I want to seed a default value in the database...These values ​​include a role and a user. How can I take the role value after seed and add it to th

How to test a .NET 4.8 client running against a .NET 5.0 server in a developer-friendly way?

I don't know if this question is appropriate for this forum. I am developing a C# ASP.NET Core webservice and a client-side library that uses this webservice. A

Dotnet 5 scaffold changing table names

I have a database with tables like this: productos parametros before .net5 when I run the Scaffold command dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "..............." "Pomel

How to fix No valid value was specified for docker build context error in visual studio 2019

I've started a new .net 5 web app in vs 2019 with docker support. When I try to run it it throws the error "No valid value was specified for docker build conte

net 5.0 Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received

I want to try net5.0 since it's in rc2, and I've encountered a strange issue. I've created a default WebApi in net5.0. I didn't touch anything, I just clicked r

Can't find .NET as a version in Azure App Service

I migrated my app locally from 3.1 to version 5. I deployed it but I get the following error: HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies Commo

Microsoft.Extensions.Logging custom implementation, how to get the caller method name?

I'm in .NET 6, I implemented a custom ILogger<TService> (of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging). Usually, when I implement a logger, I also get the caller metho

Serilog logging to Azure eventhub stopped working after moving project to .Net Core 5

I have a .Net Core 3.1 project that uses Serilog and posts messages to Azure Eventhub. The problems started when we moved it to .Net 5. Here's how it's configur

.net Windows forms Property Grid

I have a .NET windows forms property grid which is tied to the collection of entities public class Entity { public string A { get; set; } public string B { get

Can't get query parameter from HttpRequestData

I'm upgrading my code from .NET 3.0 to .NET 5.0, this changes the sintaxis quite a bit. In my previous code, which is a http request build in AZURE FUNCTIONS .N

Blazor webassembly (net5.0) publish not worked in IIS

I have created a Blazor webassambly net5 project with Identity Server ( core hosted, PWA checked). Project run fine development in Visual Studio and done

Is there a way to Redirect in AuthorizationHandler in .Net 5?

I would like to redirect to an action in my AuthorizationFilter if it fails certain checks. The reason why I want to redirect instead of sending user to "Access

Equivalent of JObject in System.Text.Json

I have DTO class that has a property of type JObject. This DTO class is send/receive over HTTP between multiple services. JObject is used because the ExtractedD

Equivalent of JObject in System.Text.Json

I have DTO class that has a property of type JObject. This DTO class is send/receive over HTTP between multiple services. JObject is used because the ExtractedD

How do I define the SignedOut page in Microsoft.Identity.Web?

I'm successfully signing in and out using Azure AD B2C in a Blazor Server app, but it's not clear to me the proper way to define the SignedOut page. This questi

How to log dotnet test output in junit format

dotnet test uses trx output by default. I am using trx2junit to convert it to junit, but this complicates CI setup. Is it possible to output test report in juni