Category "google-maps"

autocomplete google address api

I am using google autocomplete address api, it returns all the required data but not postal code. Any idea how to get postal code in api response. Below is the

How to load google maps with pins we provide, but on google maps not our site?

In google maps, if you search "bar" or "shop" or anything.. you get a pin on the map for every single entry google finds in the space you zoomed in to. The view

Detecting a tap on a marker in a forEach Loop and print

To detect a tap on a marker on GoogleMaps I should use this function. func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, didTap marker: GMSMarker) -> Bool { print("Do w

Get Timezone from Google Places api autocomplete

I am trying to get the latitude, longitude and Timezone (India 5.30) from Google Places. The address is filled by autocomplete, and thus getting the latitude an

How to add marker to google map based on data from API react

So I have been trying to implement a google maps instance on my NextJS app, I got most things to work however, I want to display the data I'm fetching from an e

Google Places, Swift Package Manager & M1 Mac issues

I have students using Google Places AutoComplete with iOS UIKit and Swift. Students with M1 Macs still seem to not be able to use the simulator with this SDK an

Fix google map marker in center

In my flutter app. I am using google_maps_plugin . The link is . I want to fix the m

How to address addDomListener() deprecation in google maps

When I call addDomListener or addDomListenerOnce: const domNode = document.getElementById('...'); google.maps.event.addDomListener(domNode, "mouseover", () =>

Using different than default location source in google maps flutter package

In every example of adding google maps to flutter mobile app I found on the internet, I see that people use either google maps with myLocationEnabled, which use

How to move google map view to address typed in Flutter?

Currently, I create a map application in android. The user will type the address in the text field and then the map will show the location. The application alwa

Google Maps. Multiple maps with multiple markers with content

I have this code to call multiple maps in one page, it's calling everything using arrays to make the code as short is possible. from the question: Multiple goo

Geocoding Service is not returning any result for the US Zip Code 90210

The Geocoding Service is not returning any result for the US Zip Code 90210, which is the zip code for “BEVERLY HILLS CA”. But the Geocoding is work

Is there any way to customize Google's Auto complete address result?

I want to customize auto suggestion result. I want to add more two addresses at the top of the result. Is it possible using google api? for more understanding I

" is not yet supported by the maps plugin" - How to solve this

Im just trying to get google maps displayed on my emulator and i also used google_maps_flutter package but is not yet supported by the ma

How to colour code points using Bokeh with gmap

I currently have a gmap displaying gps points, however, I was hoping there was a way to colour code my GPS points based on which month they were recorded ? I ha

How to display title and snippet on a google maps composable marker, without clicking on it?

I'm using the new google maps integration library with jetpack compose, however I want to modify a behavior of my markers: when the map initializes I want to sh

How can I convert Google Maps plus codes to Lng & Lat coordinates

I'm working on a project and I'm using some old google maps stuff. It requires longitude and latitude gps coordinates to get the location of a hospital for exam grpc failed

When I use call getFromLocationName I get an IOException with description "grpc failed". Code that's ran @Override public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)

google map fragment set on click Listener dose not work

i want create a google map fragment in a full screen project and then when i touch google map fragment call some function but when i touch google map fragment s

How to change results as far as I move map in react-instantsearch-dom-maps

I am currently working with algolia and I have some strange issue with the map. I have this interface (left column is results, right column is map) like on this