Category "google-maps"

Can I use OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier with react-google-maps?

I'm working on a project which uses react-google-maps ( library. It works well, but we stumbled upon a problem w

Codes Work in USA but not in China?

I am using A/Studio 2.2 My code unpacks a bundle of LatLng-parameters from a preceeding activity and displays the corresponding G/Map, works well in USA. Loved

RuntimeException: API key not found. Check that geo.API_KEY is in the AndroidManifest.xml

I am attempting to compile a simple map display on my my phone, but the app keeps closing. It seems that all my ducks are in a row, but I'm just stumped. This

Convert Google Map zoom level into km

Can anyone help me to calculate or convert google map camera zoom level into KM distance . I want to send distance to api to get more pin data when user zoom ou

google maps flutter check if a point inside a polygon

I'm working on flutter project using google-maps-flutter plugin, and I want to check if the user location is inside the polygon that I created on the map. There

framework not found GoogleMapsCore Error

I'm using cocoapods in my project and I have googlemaps(2.5.0) and googleplaces(2.5.0) in my podfile(which I've installed with 'pod install'). However, I'm ge

How can I get content out of Google Maps MVCArray?

I'm working with google.maps.polygons. The library uses a google.maps.MVCArray element to store the vertices of the polygon where each vertex contains a latitu

Is there a way on Flutter to identify and navigate to a marker from my current Location?

I have a group of markers which I retrieved and plotted on a google maps interface. I have also implement a geolocator package that gets users location. So I ha

What android broadcasts are sent by gmaps while navigating?

I am developing an android application which captures the location of every turn the user made while navigating from a source to a destination. My application w

Google maps API autocomplete.getPlace() inconsistently returns geometry

I'm using GoogleMaps Autocomplete in an AngularJS application and when I call... autocomplete.getPlace(); half the time when i try to use place it says geom

Google Maps Marker doesn't remain draggable after setting a Custom Place using Autocomplete

So I'm trying to make a Custom Google Map where the user can either use the input (with autocomplete suggestions for places) to select the position in the map o

how to lock a draggable route with google Maps?

I've got google map on my webapp working with the JavaScript API V3. I give my users the ability to create some routes with this features: the user can create

Ngmap select ng-repeat marker from javascript

I am using directive in my project Following is a code sample in which markers are drawn on the map <m

How to get TimeZone, latitude and longitude using single Google API Call

I have address(city,state,country,zip) and want to get TimeZone , latitude and longitude in single Google API call , i see google provide TimeZone api which acc

Google API Heatmap Layer exception, why?

I want to pass the heatmapdata array for my Heatmap Layer from my PHP file. When running my code (below) I get the following exception: Uncaught TypeError:

google maps animated marker moving

So im trying to move marker smoothly, but id doesnt work. Marker is moving, but not smoothly, the same result i can have if i will write marker[n].setPosition

How to get location updates using FusedLocationProviderClient?

I'm an Android noob and also this is my first post on stackoverflow. I've been trying for some time to find a solution to my problem but couldn't find anything

Javascript/Google Maps API - "TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'addresses[x][0]')

I am trying to plot markers on a google map using an array of addresses. The markers are correctly plotting (I used the tips in this post: Multiple markers Goog

How to Get Google My Maps Location Pins in Latitude and Longitude

I have created a custom map via and have added a few locations. Is there a way for me to retrieve these locations (in lat and lng

react-google-maps Customize Marker Icon

Currently, I have rendered the map component into a reusables component successfully using InfoModal to show an icon, however, the standard red Google Map icon