Category "github-actions"

ERROR: error fetching storage source: generic::unknown... When deploying GCP Cloud Function via GitHub Actions

I'm deploying a Firebase Cloud Function via this GitHub Action. When I deploy from my own machine using a service account it works fine. When running the Action

Docker pulling unauthorized - Docker and Github actions

my deploy script is as follows: - name: Log in to GitHub Packages run: echo ${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }} --

NPM CI error bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents

When I run npm ci on Github Actions I got the error: Run npm ci npm ERR! bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents npm ERR! A complete log of t

Windows. How set GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=1

Now I have GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 . And if I do git clone - will fail without prompting for username & password. I

How to combine having serverless and docker in github actions

I am running my tests on aws lambda with the use of custom image. I'm using serverless for the configuration and the build of the image. Process works fine loca

Single Push Without Github Action

I have a github repository for which I have an CI script set up using Github Actions. On 95% of the pushes into main, we need to run the script, so the script i

Single Push Without Github Action

I have a github repository for which I have an CI script set up using Github Actions. On 95% of the pushes into main, we need to run the script, so the script i

Problem downloading package from git actions, results in mangled URL

In our git actions output for testing our custom R package (hosted on github), we're experiencing an error during execution: Error in utils::download.file(url,

Trigger diferent jobs depending on pull request type

I'm trying to reduce the amount of files I have for my workflows from 4 to 1. And with that my on is like this: on: pull_request: types: [opened, synchron

Github actions: Dependencies lock file is not found in runners/path

I have a single Github repository for both server and frontend. The directory structure looks like: root |- frontend |- server (Express App) Github Action:

How AWS Credentials works at GitHub Actions With MFA

Not able to create s3 bucket from terraform code to create s3 bucket. I have code uses: hashicorp/terraform-github-actions/[email protected] env: TF_AC

How to use GPG key in github actions?

I am trying to do a maven deploy via GitHub actions and i am getting the below error:- gpg: directory '/home/runner/.gnupg' created gpg: keybox '/home/runner/.

How to stop github from modifying my files (in workflow)?

On, I have a little 6-byte file hello.txt consisting of "hello" and a newline:1 In an Ubuntu-18 workflow with runs-on: ubuntu-18.04, we have: But o

GitHub Actions Status Check Pending

I have a GitHub required status check which gets executed every time a PR is opened/edited/reopened/synchronized to master. The action itself gets executed succ

How to setup default rust compilation target on CI using rustup command on github actions?

I need to compile my code for both 32 and 64 bit windows. As far as I understand, I basically need to configure my CI so that this command: rustup default print

Using Docker image from Github registry is unauthorized

I created Docker image locally Tagged it for Github Docker registry Pushed it to Github Docker registry Now I want to use it in Github action that create Docker

Github Workflow: How to map input option to value

I have the following input set up for my Github Workflow on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: environment: type: choice description: Envir

Sanitize GitHub context in GitHub actions

I'm trying to write a slack notification bot to trigger off of GitHub pull requests, but I'm running into a sanitization issue I have an action defined as follo

Sanitize GitHub context in GitHub actions

I'm trying to write a slack notification bot to trigger off of GitHub pull requests, but I'm running into a sanitization issue I have an action defined as follo

How to add config args to postgres service container in Github Action?

I am using Github Actions Service Container to start a postgres instance like so: name: Pull Request on: pull_request: branches: - main - sta