Category "ganache"

Dai balanceof showing 0 for my address after successful Uniswap swap transaction on Ganache

I am using Ganache to test out real smart contracts and protocols like minting a NFT, Uniswap , AAve etc. When I run a transaction to mint a NFT I am able to se

Why I get this error when I try to use npm install -g ganache-cli truffle in vs code?

Why I get this error when I try to use npm install -g ganache-cli truffle in vs code?

network id specified in truffle config does not match the one returned by network

I'm trying to run a truffle test on ganache-cli and it keeps saying the network ids do not match even though in my truffle-config.js file I specified the id to

RPC Error - valid string HTTPs rpc in Metamask

In my project, I tried to connect with metamask on Ganache. But I got the error like the following. inpage.js:1 MetaMask - RPC Error: Expected an array with at

EtherScan access needed on Test net

We are developing application on VS code with Ganache. So everything will be local as it is Ganache. As explained in following link, we cannot use etherScan fun

Error when trying to deploy standard OpenZeppelin ERC777 contract to ganache-cli using the brownie framework

I am familiarizing myself with smart contract development using the brownie framework and solidity. To start of I was using the brownie console to deploy some s

how to solve "VM Exception while processing transaction: out of gas"

I faced a VM Exception while processing a transaction: out of gas error in contract. Here's my truffle-config.js file: development: { "

What is Ganache currency symbol

I am trying to connect Ganache local network to Metamask, using official documentation. However, it won't let connect without filling the currency symbol of the

Web3 error when trying to call contract methods

I encounter the following error while trying to run a dapp made using React, Truffle & Ganache. I'm also using web3 version 1.7.1. The problem is that the c

Installing ganache in power shell and ran into NPM Err

I am trying to install ganache to my power shell. I rand npm install ganache --global I ran into the following error: PS C:\Users\Chetachi Ugwu-Ojobe\Documents\

I ran ganache-cli and it returned an error. i've reinstall npm and nothing done

I ran ganache-cli and it returned an error. I've reinstalled npm and nothing happened. C:\Users\Abass KABORE\Desktop\Stage_DISCOM\BSCcrowdsale>ganache-cli n