Category "microcontroller"

Auto increment build number using PlatformIO

I have several micro controller projects for home automation. Each of my nodes have a version number which is manually set in the code. This version number is r

Why are periperal registers 16 bit only on 32 bit MCUs such as STM32 and GD32VF103?

On 32 bit microcontrollers such as the ST STM32F103 (ARM core) or the GigaDevices GD32VF103 (RISC-V core) there are many registers for dealing with peripherals.

For LOOP throw away by Compiler optimization

I was doing an experiment to measure the execution time of ''for loop'' on microcotroller. This ''for loop'' contain some integer and pointer operation. Case 1

How to fix STM32CubeProgrammer No STM32 Target Found

Hello guys Any one here faced this problem before ? After I run my code into my stm32f446re I couldn't upload any code after my last code and give me this erro

Transfer Fault on SAME70 Xplained Microcontroller

I am using a SAME70 Xplained microcontroller for a project I am working on. I program it using an editor made by Microchip called MPLAB X. About a week ago, sud

ALU overflow status bit & COND address

The COND field or the microinstruction word is 2 bits with four possible different codes: 00 for no jump; 01 for jump if N=1; 10 for jump if Z=1; 11 for jump