Category "youtube-iframe-api"

Flutter WebView plugin unable to play some YouTube videos

The webview_flutter plugin is unable to play some YouTube embed videos that do work if played from within a web app. The videos display "Video unavailable". Pla

"An error has occurred. Please try again later" in my iframe

I copy and paste a YouTube link inside my iframe tag and I got the following message when I play the video "An error has occurred. Please try again later". I

How to jump to a timestamp in a YouTube iFrame in React?

I'm trying to make a button that jumps to a specific time in an iFrame of a YouTube post, but I'm getting the error "TypeError document.getElementsById is not a

Youtube iframe API fails load or cue playlist

I work with the Youtube Iframe API and when I try to use player.loadPlaylist({list: 'PLAYLIST_ID'}); or player.cuePlaylist({list: 'PLAYLIST_ID'}); the methods r