Category "powerbi-desktop"

Power BI UAT and Regression Testing approach

I am trying to come up with the right strategy on BI Testing (UAT/Regression). Below are the details. Appreciate if you could share you point of view please? Te

Is there a way to add line breaks in a string of text in M (Power BI)?

I concatenated four columns using this code (to prevent null values to be linked together) in Power Query (Power BI Desktop): = Text.Combine(List.Select( { [Col

Sort column circular dependency in Power BI

I have to sort month name from January to December in Power BI Desktop. Power BI sorts the column according to the alphabetical order. Here is my dataset: When

what kind of measure or column will use here

[Please refer to the below image. I want to create a stacked column chart but I don't have a column that includes 0-30, 30-60, 60-90, etc. How did I put this ra

Can we export PDF and PPT of an embedded Power BI report by calling an the Export feature of the Power BI Service/Workspace

We have an embedded Power BI Report and we wish to have an export functionality in the website which calls the export option that is present in the top bar in t

How convert "blank" to 0 in a card in Power BI with live connection with analysis services?

i have a dashboard in power bi that take data from analysis services. The problem is that can't show a 0 in a card when there aren't values for this filter. in

How to disable visual from being selected but show tooltip on mouseover?

I have a table and a chart visual. When user clicks on table cell or bar chart, the other visuals get filtered/highlighted. I know this can be disabled using th

Dataframe Column name not defined PowerBI Python Integration

i wrote code to visualize matplotlib bar chart using the python Jupiter notebook. But now I wanted to integrate that code with powerBI. That dataset includes 3

Power BI is requiring at least one column to be summarized to display data

I am trying to create a simple Power BI report to embed within an application. The purpose of this report is to simply display the rows that are being passed in