Category "expression"

Difficulty in create regex [duplicate]

40 I'm having trouble checking in React Js if a value is is any of the following combinations no spaces in starting Ramaining accept anything(

IQueryable extension to group dynamicly by minutes ...and other

I wanted to create an IQueryable extension to allow other developers to group entities by minutely interval but also by custom group key result. My idea was to

LINQ Expression GroupBy Select First

I've got a question on LINQ Expression. I need to replicate the following lambda: var result = processRevisions OrderByDescending(pr => pr.CreatedAt) G

How can I filter in Birt (Parameter) on a computed column?

Is it possible to add a parameter to filter by a computed column and if so how? I have a report which gives the level of a bill of material and this is set as l

print when expression to display Static text if there is atleast a not null field in a detail band

I want to put a printWhenExpression on a static text based on a condition which says that print the label only if there is atleast a non null textField in a par

How can I use a built Expression in an Include .Where() to apply an Include Filter when it expects Expression but only allows Func?

I'm getting some errors trying to build expression trees on nested collections. I have classes: // not DB entity public FilterTerm { public string Compariso

After Effects Expressions - controling comps from main comp using an "Expressions Layer"

THE GOAL I WANT TO ACHEIVE: Control AE timelines using ONE EXPRESSION LAYER (much like using Actionscript) to trigger frequently used comps such as blinking, w

javascript - match string against the array of regular expressions

Is there a way in JavaScript to get Boolean value for a match of the string against the array of regular expressions? The example would be (where the 'if' stat

How to determine an object's value in Python

From the Documentation Every object has an identity, a type and a value. type(obj) returns the type of the object id(obj) returns the id of the object is