Category "theano"

How to override gradient for the nonlinearity functions in lasagne?

I have a model, for which i need to compute the gradients of output w.r.t the model's input. But I want to apply some custom gradients for some of the nonlinear

Keras: "RuntimeError: Failed to import pydot." after installing graphviz and pydot

I'm using Anaconda Python 2.7 on windows 10 I was planning on doing Keras visualization so (whilst spyder was open) I opened the Anaconda command prompt and pi

Keras verbose training progress bar writing a new line on each batch issue

running a Dense feed-forward neural net in Keras. there are class_weights for two outputs, and sample_weights for a third output. fore some reason it prints the

Keras verbose training progress bar writing a new line on each batch issue

running a Dense feed-forward neural net in Keras. there are class_weights for two outputs, and sample_weights for a third output. fore some reason it prints the