Category "ethereum"

How to verify message in wallet connect with ethers primarily on ambire wallet?

I am trying to sign a message with wallet connect using ethers, but I am facing an issue when verifying the message with ambire wallet, it's not returning any r

brownie AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getEntranceFee'

Macbook Pro : Monterey Intel Core i7 Brownie v1.17.2 I am learning solidity according to reference( Wh

I am prepared permit EIP712, but tx "Reverted", function selector 'Reverted 0x08c379a

I'm trying to send a permit for a transaction, but I get a function call mismatch return if I call through the smartcontract token function. If I call via encod

Does Ethereum JSON-RPC have rate limits

I am currently using a public RPC URL to interact with smart contracts on a Ethereum-forked blockchain. I would like to understand if there are any limitations

Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block: undefined

I'm trying to develop DApp on polygon blockchain. Basically I'm minting NFT but after few mints I get this error. It even happens when I don't mint NFT. Here is

Does a Bitcoin block stores the corresponding dollar value of a transaction?

I am asking this question so that I want to easily know how many transactions occurred at a particular Bitcoin price. For example, at the price of $20T per BTC,

Uncaught TypeError: web3 is not a constructor. the blockchain website cannot connect to metamask

i have issue on web3.eth.defaultAccount = web3.eth.getAccounts(); below is the code. it said Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefine

Can't verify ERC20/BEP20 token on BSCScan

I deployed an ERC20/BEP20 token on binance smart chain using truffle and openzepplin. Now I want to verify this smart contract but I have some issues. $ truffle

Web3py merkle tree support

I am trying to implement a merkle tree just like merkletreejs but python does not have any good libraries that support keccak256 and sorted keccak256 trees. Doe

Integrate Login and Signup with Meta mask in ASP.NET MVC?

I want to Integrate Login and Signup with Meta mask in ASP.NET MVC. looking for it for so long. Checked Metamask tutorial but it has code in node.js and the lib

Rinkeby Authenticated Faucet is offline

I wonder if anyone has successfully requested ether on I followed the instruction and it kept saying Faucet offline. Any workaround

How to get all transaction from an address via the etherscan API in R?

I've been looking for a way to download all transaction from a specific contract since their start up until now. It's around 25k transactions as of today. I've

Can I extract BSC transaction details programmatically without going through BscScan?

I would like to get the data that's displayed on BscScan programmatically, but their API seems quite limited, and I would like to avoid parsing HTML content to

How to set price for all NFTs in a collection on opensea?

If I mint a collection of n items on my own address (via smart contract) , it'll be publicly visible on my account under the collected / created section like th

What is the 16 in (chainId, 16) in an Eth smart contract that is on the Rinkeby network

I am new to smart contracts and I am working on an Eth Rinkeby dapp and was wondering if anyone can tell me what the "16" means in this section: } network =

Restrict function access ONLY to one other specific contract in Solidity

I have a security problem in my Solidity contracts and I can't figure out how to fix it. The flow goes like this: First, we create an instance of contract A; Cr

uniswap V2 invalid BigNumber value for JSBI negative value

Hi I was following uniswapV2 document to perform a trade transaction and I encounter error as follow invalid bignumber value I got my input amount as 2941991120

Embark_demo/embark run is not starting

I followed the instructions and install all the prerequisites that was listed as required to setup Embark; however, when I reached the dmo test piece, I am not

Find Floor Of Opensea NFT

Is there a way to get the floor price thats displayed on the main page of an NFT collection? Here you see the floor price is 5.75 but if I query the contract u

How to send ETH to a contract function with ethers.js?

I am trying to send ETH to a contract function from a web app via metamask and ethers.js. So far I have tried: const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provide