Category "ethereum"

Ethereum - insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost

I'm trying to create my own NFT contract factory, but it fails in mainnet. I have ETH on my wallet. In test it works fine. Here's my contract: //Contract based

Unhandled Rejection (Error): call revert exception

I am getting this error message when trying to interact with my smart contract on my react front end. I am running localhost3000 and which requires metamask to

How to restart a local hardhat node to initial state?

I am not really sure how to restart the state of the node to the initial state. Each time I try to redeploy a contract - I'm getting the same contract, the cons

Visual Code Studio, File Import Callback not Supported - File Source not Found

While trying to troubleshoot another issue with my project, I must've broken something along the way, but I have no idea how to fix this. These are my import st

Deply ERC20 token to cross / multiple chains?

I have a new Erc20 token built on Polygon network and available on Polyscan, how can I make it available on Binance smart chain as well, the same way like other

How to store each NFT image in a ERC721 contract? [closed]

When creating a ERC721 contract that manages thousands of image NFTs, saving these image byte pixels in arrays on the contract doesn't seem ve

How to store each NFT image in a ERC721 contract? [closed]

When creating a ERC721 contract that manages thousands of image NFTs, saving these image byte pixels in arrays on the contract doesn't seem ve

Private BSC node too low number of requests per second from remote client

I have BSC node synced and running on VPC ( the VM specs are 120G RAM and 24vCPU with nvme of 4 tera) it synced pretty fast and using geth version 1.1.2 I teste

Quasar Framework (VueJS) - "UI" compiled with errors (If import web3)

I use Quasar CLI version 1.2.1 and library web3 version ^1.5.2 it's an error when i use: import Web3 from 'web3' Log Error: App • Chaining "UI" Webpack c

totalsupply() is not a function openzeppelin contracts

I'm trying to import some contract files from open zeppelin so my solidity smart contracts can inherit their functionality, when trying to write chai tests that

Can we deploy same ERC20-token on different blockchains?

I want to deploy my own ERC-20 token on different blockchains, so is there any possibility to deploy the same token contract on different blockchains. If we do

Getting error while deploying smart contract using truffle

2_deploy_contracts.js ===================== Replacing 'SimpleStorage' ------------------------- Error [ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR]: Unhandled error. ({ code:

Decode constructor arguments in solidity

I playing Ethernaut Level 8. The goal is to get access to the private password state variable and unlock the contract. I know one could use await contract.unloc

Amazon Managed Blockchain not showing Ethereum network

I am a newbie in smart contract development. I just create a smart contract for some analyze how it works, so I used the truffle suite with vs code to create a

Write to ethereum wiithout metamask

I'm trying to write some data to Ethereum Rinkeby test network without using meta mask, But while calling the method i'm getting the error below , But my argume

Sender account not recognized on private ethereum network

I'm currently developing a dApp in Solidity and am working on a web3 library to handle communication with it. I struggle with the process of new account creati

Can you call a Solidity contract method with only Metamask?

I’m wanting to use Metamask in my app to let users pay a fixed ETH fee (plus gas) to call a method from my Solidity contract. I looked at the Metamask doc

How to extract ethereum from the smart contract

I am a newbie in the blockchain technology and I have question. I just deployed an Ethereum smart contract to the Rinkeby testnet network and minted a few NFTs.

When compiling my solana code , I am getting "TypeError: Named argument "username" does not match function declaration."

pragma solidity ^0.8.4; import "hardhat/console.sol"; contract Ewitter{ struct User{ address wallet; string name; string username;

Does approve take time to be confirmed, and how to deal with this in BSC?

Hi I am doing BSC DApp using web3 with react. I am very new to this field. I found after call approve, the transfer(or zapInToken in my case) will not be succes