Category "go-modules"

Golang go get failed with git ls-remote -q using the wrong url @ Go 1.13

Ok according to, go 1.13.3 fixed this problem Env: Go 1.13, Windows I got a fresh copy of Go on a Windows machine an

Go Modules vs Package

just starting to learn about Go Modules. I have a question on importing local packages inside the same module. The example I am looking at is this repo: https:

malformed module path "xxxx/xxxx/uuid" missing dot in first path element when migrating from GOPATH based dep to go mod

$ go version 1.13.3 I have a folder structure as follows: GOPATH +---src +--- my-api-server +--- my-auth-server +--- main.g

Why does go get fail with "invalid version: unknown revision"?

I published an update to a Go module, bumping the version to v1.1.0. I created a tag named v1.1.0 and pushed the tag to GitHub.

missing go.sum entry for module providing package <package_name>

Using the buffalo framework, after bootstraping it via buffalo new <project_name> I am trying to run buffalo dev Expecting to see: project running on por

missing go.sum entry for module providing package <package_name>

Using the buffalo framework, after bootstraping it via buffalo new <project_name> I am trying to run buffalo dev Expecting to see: project running on por

How to prevent go mod tidy from looking up a replaced module path

Consider the following setup: go.mod module require dummy replace => ./sub sub/go.mod module