Category "cas"

how can i decrypt proxy granting ticket in phpcas client

the proxy granting ticket, which should start with PGTIOU, is encrypted. it looks like: <cas:proxyGrantingTicket>uRIF21AgCpN4m/BTNHj9bMosdcMUHrsmrDjWgJtGq

Symfony 6 - CAS Bundle

I am using Symfony 6 and I should use CAS bundle for my app because we use SSO system. So, can I install the following bundle while I use Symfony 6 because ther

Using django-cas-ng to authenticate on admin site

I'm using django-cas-ng framework to authenticate users. The main problem is that the admin page still uses the default login view. Methods used this far: 1.-

What are the differences between CAS and Keycloak?

What are the differences between CAS (Central Authentication Service) and Keycloak (Identity and Access Management)?

What are the differences between CAS and Keycloak?

What are the differences between CAS (Central Authentication Service) and Keycloak (Identity and Access Management)?