Category "jersey"

GET REQUEST does not return faculty data properly causes 500 Internal Server Error

I'm trying to return the faculty data with it's corresponding students, professors, subjects and grade, I get this Error 500: I want postman to return this: to

Jersey compatibility with log4j2 - failing to start servlets

I'm having issues getting Jersey 1.19 to work with log4j2 on Tomcat7. My project's working assembly against log4j1 consists of the following: slf4j-api: 1.5.6

Error instantiating servlet class org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer

Hi Trying to write a simple rest webservice. And following the tutorial below: But i am getting HTTP Status 500

Jersey: Disable automatic Wadl Generation for OPTIONS request without using a web.xml file?

I want to accomplish the same thing as this question: Disable automatic Wadl Generation for OPTIONS request, but we don't have a web.xml file. We also make use

JAX-RS jersey ExceptionMapper: How to know the method who threw the exception

Im using JAX-RS jersey ExceptionMapper, and I'm wondering if there is a way to know inside the method toResponse(), which method (from the API) threw the except

Custom HTTP Header blocks Jersey CORS Filter

I am using a Jersey2 response filter to deal with CORS requests from the browser. At this point it pretty much looks like the one from Paul Samsotha in this que

Jersey + Weblogic - FATAL Alert:BAD_CERTIFICATE

I am sitting second whole day on a problem and giving up. I have written a jersey client which works on Jetty, and doesnt work on Weblogic. The reason is propab

why does tomcat show 404 response message for an existing resource?

I'm new to implementing web services and I'm doing it with jax-rs API using eclipse IDE for java-ee developers 2022. I have written a simple web service that re

org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Module named '_auto_generated_ear_' failed to deploy

I was following this tutorial. And I followed the steps. But I am getting this error: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Module named '_auto_generated_e

List<String> as input of GET method

I have a REST service. The input type of the GET method is List<String>: @GET @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public L

Serialize Java 8 Stream with Jersey

How can I serialize a Java 8 java.util.Stream<T> with Jersey. I tried to write a MessageBodyWriter, but I need to know how to compose (decorate) existing

How do I create a Jersey FormDataContentDisposition object?

I have the following method in a service: public interface MyService { @POST @Path("/upload-file") @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)

Authentication in Jersey [closed]

I want to implement authentication for my Jersey0based server/client REST but I'm not sure how exactly to lay out the code. Basically for ev