Category "genymotion"

Intercepting TCP packets of genymotion android emulator

I am pentesting android application. I used burpsuite and configured genymotion emulated android to use my host as proxy. Installed CA certificates on android (

Using layer-list to display some drawable images

Android studio 2.0 Preview 3b Hello, I have created the following layout that I want to use for a background for my app. I am using the layer-list and I w

Uninstalling Genymotion (v2.2.2) on Ubuntu (v14.04)

I installed Genimotion (v2.2.2), but I seem to have problems with it, as I couldn't play the devices I downloaded for it (tried several devices). I tried reins

Installing Facebook APK in Genymotion

I want to install Facebook APK to Genymotion. Using Drag&Drop or adb it fails with INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE. I have followed instuction on http:/