Category "ef-core-5.0"

Move Identity Tables To Custom Schema Asp.Net Core

I Try To move all my identity Tables to Schema "User" using the following code in my context. it works fine for all except "AspNetUserClaims", "AspNetRoleClaims

EF Core one-one relationships

I need to configure following one-one relationship with ef-core public class Player { public long Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }

Including One Subitem From A List property while Making use of ThenInclude()

I have a function that's purpose is to pull an auction by its id from the data base and include it's highest bid and the highest bid's type. I was able to get t

scaffold-DbContext , command results in exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException

When attempted to run a scaffold command I am now receieving the exception noted below. It may be important to note that this stopped working all of a sudden. C