Category "pytorch"

Converting a tf.dataset to a PyTorch Dataset?

I'm working on this project where all the data comes preprocessed and ready as a tensorflow datasets which looks like this: <MapDataset shapes: {input_ids: (

Variable args and keyword only args in a function

I was going thru PyTorch and found function signatures like torch.zeros(*size, *, out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False)

Detectron2 Speed up inference instance segmentation

I have working instance segmentation, I'm using "mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x" model. When I inference image it takes about 3 second / image on GPU. How can I speed u

Displaying images loaded with pytorch dataloader

I am working with some lidar data images that I cannot post here due to a reputation restriction on posting images. However, when loading the same images using

Visualize Tensor [1,64,112,112] using matplotlib

I have a output tensor after convolution of dimensions [1,64,112,112]. Is there any way I can visualize this using matplotlib only, keeping in mind that imshow(

Is there really no padding=same option for PyTorch's Conv2d?

I'm currently working on building a convolutional neural network (CNN) that will work on time series data. More specifically, the data is financial data of shap

I want train a set of weight using pytorch, but the weights do not even change

I want to reproduce a method from a paper, the code in this paper was written in tensorflow1.0 and I want to rewrite it in pytorch. A brief description, I want

Load custom knowledge-graph data to pytorch geometric

I am new to PyTorch geometric and want to know how we can load our own knowledge-graph dataset into PyTorch geometric DataLoader. I have my data in the CSV file

How can one use the RemoveIsolatedNodes transform in Pytorch Geometric?

I am trying to run a graph classification problem in pytorch-geometric and I see that some of my graphs contain isolated nodes (which can cause problems). For e

Understanding the PyTorch implementation of Conv2DTranspose

I am trying to understand an example snippet that makes use of the PyTorch transposed convolution function, with documentation here, where in the docs the autho

Deploying Huggingface model for inference - pytorch-scatter issues

It's my first time with SageMaker, and I'm having issues when trying to execute this script I took from this Huggingface model (deploy tab) from sagemaker.huggi

openAI DALL-E ModuleNotFoundError

I installed DALL-E following the instructions on and got : ---> 10 from dall_e import map_pixels, unmap_pixels, loa

Can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu()

My code in colab worked in January and now it doesn't. It's a Style Transfer program using pytorch ( Th

How to make Intel GPU available for processing through pytorch?

I'm using a laptop which has Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520. Does anyone know how to it set up for Deep Learning, specifically Pytorch? I have seen if you ha

from Model.AGCRNCell import AGCRNCell ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model'

I'm trying to replicate this model from here: but when I try to run the model code in my colab import torc

Not able to save model to gs bucket using

I am trying to save a PyTorch model to my google cloud bucket but it is always showing a "FileNotFoundError error". I already have a gs bucket and the file path

WeightedRandomSampler for custom image dataloader pytorch

I am trying to solve class imbalance by using Weighted Random Sampler on a custom data loader. I can't seem to find the best way to implement this. The images a

GPU memory is empty, but CUDA out of memory error occurs

During training this code with ray tune(1 gpu for 1 trial), after few hours of training (about 20 trials) CUDA out of memory error occurred from GPU:0,1. And ev

Torchtext 0.7 shows Field is being deprecated. What is the alternative?

Looks like the previous paradigm of declaring Fields, Examples and using BucketIterator is deprecated and will move to legacy in 0.8. However, I don't seem to b

How to get time taken for each layer in Pytorch?

I want to know the inference time of a layer in Alexnet. And I have a few questions about this. Is it possible to measure the inference time accurately with the