Category "domain-driven-design"

Event Storming | Command | Validation | Rules | Make it visible

I'm practicing event-storming, with sticky notes and stuffs. But one thing is missing: command validation (rules to be satisfied for a command to be accepted /

CQRS and cross cutting concerns like ABAC for authorization reasons

Let's assume a monolithic web service. The architectural design is based on the DDD and divides the domain into sub-domains. These are structured according to t

The entity type 'Access' requires a primary key to be defined. If you intended to use a keyless entity type call 'HasNoKey()'

i have this ValueObject : public class Access : ValueObject<Access> { public string ControllName { get; set; } public string ActionName { get;

How Implement CRQS in DDD

If someone tries to implement the CQRS pattern without repository in DDD, in which layer should it be done? Infrastructure or Application Layer?

DDD - Concurrency with quantity

Hi everyone, I'm a little bit lost with a problem thinking in ddd way. Imagine you have an application to sell concert ticket. So you have an entity which is ca

Domain-Driven Design: Is a Subdomain a class?

Let's consider that we use OOP. Is a Subdomain a class? And Bounded Context is a set of classes that are used together for the only purpose(ideally)? Can on sub

DDD Application Layer and Persistence Transactions

Leaders in DDD cite the Application Layer as the appropriate place for Transaction Management. For example, from Vince Vaughn: Application Services reside in t

Is it problematic that Spring Data REST exposes entities via REST resources without using DTOs?

In my limited experience, I've been told repeatedly that you should not pass around entities to the front end or via rest, but instead to use a DTO. Doesn't Sp

Problem Changing the value of nested ValueObject using C# 10, .NET 6 and EF Core 6

My Aggregate is like this: public class Order : AggregateRoot { private readonly List<OrderItem> _items = new(); public DateTime Date { get; set;

CodeIgniter 4 \Config\Service::my-instance-method returns NULL on true $getShared

Config\Services is a class made to reduce huge code development on singleton. Unfortunately I have committed an error. When repositoryFacade is got from getShar

Repository implementation in Application, Domain and Infrastructure Layer (DDD)

I have a project structure like this : Here, IApplicationDbContext.cs interface defined in Application layer and it's implementation is done in Infrastructure

DDD why should domain model define interfaces for infrastructure

While studying DDD I'm wondering why the Domain model need to define interfaces for the Infrastructure layer. From my reads I got that a high level (domain mo

Large scale server application using DDD with Python? [closed]

We are preparing to build a large scale server application. To model the logic effectively we're planning to use DDD, including the tactical p

notification does not implement $INotification C#

I have a multi-tenancy project using mediator and CQRS, for some reason my CRUD from order request are returning this error, I already try refactor my handler s