Category "webassembly"

Why is a string passed from JavaScript to Wasm always empty in section 4.2 of the Rust/Wasm beginner book?

I'm trying to follow the Rust WebAssembly book and I'm stuck at the exercise in section 4.2. I changed everything as described in the answer, but the given &

Is there a way in Blazor to reverse map wasm-function(#) back to the c# method?

I am running a Blazor page on Chrome and I see from the Chrome profiler that it is spending a lot of time in the code wasm-function(633). Is there any way for

can i access memory mapped file through WebAssembly

I have multiple separate application (C++, C#) that shares data through MemoryMappedFile. now I want to show some data from that; can I access that directly fro

can i access memory mapped file through WebAssembly

I have multiple separate application (C++, C#) that shares data through MemoryMappedFile. now I want to show some data from that; can I access that directly fro

WebAssembly blocks the web worker thread too

This is related to the previous question WebAssembly in async code Basically, that question is about the problem of the WebAssembly blocking the main thread, a

Why does webassembly use fetch before using module.malloc will cause runtimeerror?

When I open -s FETCH=1 and -s EXIT_RUNTIME=1 at the same time call emscripten_fetch after using Mudole._malloc, the following error will appear. Uncaught (in pr

Module parse failed for wasm module generated by rust wasm-pack

I have been following this tutorial: in order to build a Rust library and use it in a VueJS pr

Correct way to provide minimal browser-api to Go wasm and returning lib-api back to client, without Global scope?

I'm trying to find a best/right way to implement minimal and safe client <-> wasm api while avoiding usage of window|global|self context. I have found 3 w

AutoMapper .NET6 C#10 Blazor WASM PWA

I had a problem that the AutoMapper worked in .NET5 with in Program.cs -> services.AddAutoMapper(typeof(Startup)); New Blazored WASM PWA do not have a Startu

Is there a way to seed a cryptographically secure RNG engine in rust using a [u8; 64] array?

ORIGINAL QUESTION: I am currently trying to write a library in rust - to be compiled to WASM - for converting a bip39 mnemonic passphrase into an Arweave JWK. I

How can I import WebAssembly rust to NextJS?

Im using nextjs, I'm using an: import { greet } from "backend"; This is the package.json dependencies: "dependencies": { "backend": "file:../backend/pkg", "nex

Blazor WebAssembly Hosted on IIS - only API is working

I have a project where I have developed a solution with Blazor WebAssembly Hosted model. I have a Server Project, a Client project and a Shared project (but I r

Why Touchscreen don't work with WebAssembly?

I'm developing an webassembly application that must use touchscreen. I studied the examples: dials fingerpaint knobs pinchzoom (see

Pass a pointer string as an argument in host import function in Rust WebAassembly (wasmtime)

so I have the following import in my generated .wast file (disclaimer: I have not written the wasm file myself): (import "index" "bigDecimal.fromString" (func

WebAssembly return string use C

How can I return a JavaScript string from a WebAssembly function? - not working

Running WebAssembly on Google Apps Script

I am attempting to run WebAssembly on the new V8 Google Apps Script runtime, and it appears to be supported, however it seems that async functions are terminate

How to use alert(),confirm() and prompt() function using Blazor?

I am learning the Blazor technology. I started a default increment project in VS 2019 and I have modified the code for Decrement with confirm() and alert but it

Better way to get browser culture in Blazor webassembly / client app

I know how to get the current culture information for Blazor server app by using HTTPContext with IRequestCultureFeature. Is there any better way to get current