If I have 1 model with 3 different geo_fields in (point, poly and line), can I serialize all of these with django-rest-framework-gis? My model: class Job(BaseMo
router2 = DefaultRouterWithNest() ( router2.register(r'eva',eval.Evadetail, basename='eva') .register(r'evand',eval.Evand,basename='eva-evand',p
Quick question: I know that Django has some baked-in security at different system levels, but I'm not sure if accessing the the request.data property directly s
index.html I have changed {% static "/main/css/index.css" %} to {% static "main/css/index.css" %} {% extends 'main/base.html' %} {% load static %} <
should I be building a function to achieve what I am trying to do?
I'm using dj-rest-auth with react and i'm trying to use the frontend url instead of the backend url. The solution i am using for the account creation confirmati
What my settings.py for DB looks like: ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
GraphQL is still not supported in Django 4, so to use it I need to change the line: "from django.utils.encoding import force_text" to "from django.utils.encodin
first of all, thanks for your help. I'm new to django, and I'm developing a site where you have to enter coordinates in some forms and then they should be edit
I realized an app front Angular, back-end Django, deployed on Windows server using IIS and FastCGI. This app serves media files on a certain URL. It works fine
Lets have simple model: class NewModel(models.Model): json_data = models.JSONField(default=dict) Then lets get it: model = NewModel.objects.get(pk=1)
I'm trying to document a Django project using Sphinx's autodoc extension. I have two main problems: It's documenting excessivelly in some modules (importing doc
When a user creates a user record for a client, the new client should should have the current logged in user's User.user_company value. In the problem here, I w
I just took Bokeh for a spin on a Django site. Lot of fine tutorials out there and really easy to get a quick example running. For example, I have a Django view
My Django project gives a download interface as follows: def download_item_vector(request): return HttpResponse(np.load('item_vector.npy')) I want to retur
I'm to update the frontend of this site https://github.com/ildebr/store-repository it has a react frontend and a Django backend, auth is made with Django-rest-f
So I've found a error in my UX that wasn't cought by test if I press besides a popup it goes into deadstate # they press ok btn = self.browser_adam.find_element
I have a model with fields name, roll_no, birth_date I am using the django admin's list display and list editable to have these fields displayed and edited in a
I'm trying to import some data with django import-export module. I'm having a problem and can't find any solutions to it despite the fact that it seems to be a
I am using django-extensions to generate a model graph for my Django application. My installation steps are the following: $ pip install django-extensions $ pip