Category "django"

Django can't login the superuser in admin page

So , I am trying to make an register and login system . I want to customize it using the custom user model , where I can save my data and extend the model. I am

Django google books API totalItems is changing

I am creating an application that retrieves data from the google books API. At the very beginning I download a number of books from JSON ["totalItems"] and iter

How to stop autopep8 not installed messages in Code

I'm a new Python programmer using the Mac version of VS Code 1.45.1 to create a Django project. I have the Python and Django extensions installed. Every time I

Django tries to write to a generated column

I've added GIN index to my db ALTER TABLE mtn_order ADD COLUMN textsearchable_index_col tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS (to_tsvector('english', coalesce(descr, ''

Django model default value in response

I want to have a default value in my django model response value Sample model query myModel.objects.filter().values("username", "user_gender") I want to have a

How to disable "HTML" tab in DRF Browsable API but keep "Raw" tab available

When using more complicated representation schemas (e.g. nested objects and lists), the "HTML" form part of the Browsable API in Django REST Framework becomes m

How to set max length on integerfield Django Rest

Okay so I need to have my field have a maximum of 10 integers allowed to be entered. I tried MaxValueValidator but I figured out that this just needs a value th

CSRF cookies not set - React, JWT, Django

I'm rather confused regarding the following error: "Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.)". This error is received during attempting to logout, login, signup. The pr

Django in Docker: is GNU gettext tools only required in dev?

I'm building a Django app with Docker. I have 2 dockerfiles, one for dev and one for prod. To use Django's i18n, it's required to install "GNU gettext tools". I

Why Python String auto convert into Date in microsoft excel

I am writing data into a CSV file. file contains data related to student marks like 6/10, which means 6 out of 10. here the issue is when I open this file with

How to create a persigned url for a private s3 bucket using django rest framework def upload_org_logo(instance, filename): ts = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) filepath = f"Timesheet/org_logo/{ts}" if instance: b

Error while generating FCM token using django

This is error that i am getting in my javascript console: An error occurred while retrieving token. DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The str

django redirect to form view and autofill with previously entered values

I have following scenario. User fills out a form If the user clicks the "continue" button and the form is valid the user will be redirected to a summary view In

Adding field to Django model when the column already exists in the database

I have a model in Django which represents a MySQL table that has some extra columns. I want to add a field to the model for one of these extra columns but I'm n

how can i filter data between two time i am using date time field for it in django rest framework

I am trying to filter my data with a date-time field, but in my case its not working. So please someone suggest to me how can I filter my date with time start_t

Large File upload issue (working in local but not working on server)

I have a Django-based application that has the functionality to upload the file. We used to deploy the same in the azure web app. For the small file (max file s

RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'AbstractBaseUser'

Django app works fine local, but when pushed to heroku build works, but deploy fails: RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'AbstractBaseUser' as <class '

Error Using Ajax when I load from a differente file with Django

Im using JaxaScript(Jquery with Ajax) and my HTML Page all in the same file, but when I tried to code my JS and HTML in different files, I get an error when try

Django connect SQL Server using active directory user

I'm using Django and mssql-django backend to connect to SQL Server. No problems to connect to SQL Server when using sql login. But, when I try to connect using

Share django transaction across threads

I've a problem where one API implemented in a django (3.2) web app running with gunicorn (gevent) has to fetch different prices from multiple APIs and store tho