Category "database"

Database to check whether a path/ url is present

I have an application where it can have multiple thousands of urls. Let's assume the url paths are of the form, /app/v1/test1 /app/v2/test2 I want to store thes

MySQL - Connection failed: No route to host

Confused why getting this issue while trying to connect to my DB. Connection failed: No route to host <?php $servername = "HOST"; $username = "USERNAME

Creating mongoDB alias with .bash_profile on the cmder is not working

this is my first ever question. Okay.. Relevant to this problem : I am using cmder I am new to the terminal I am using a windows PC I'm following a tutorial on

Mongoose - find object and delete objeto inside array

I have this document : [ { "_id": "626c5fd2aa0fc0e4eef45c94", "productos": [ { "_id": "626d50b621180e291a330333"

I need to group ( AS type) in a same row (postgres 14)

I need help with a select in postgres, I need to group X types into a single line, for example: type: multiple, trully, I need help on the type column SELECT tb

Erlang multiple mnesia databases in the same application or in a application tree dependency

To use mnesia, the path on the filesystem to the relative mnesia scheme to be used must be set as the environment variable of the application(application:set_en

Error Object Id' is unknown when attempting to save changes. Adding Many to Many to the DB

I have objects with many to many relationship. public class Executor { public long Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public List&l

How to store Bag of Words or Embeddings in a Database

I would like to store vector features, like Bag-of-Words or Word-Embedding vectors of a large number of texts, in a dataset, stored in a SQL Database. What're t

Is the Unity Sqlite database registered?

I create the SQLite database using Unity. As in my code below. private void CreateTable() { using (dbconn = new SqliteConnection(blablabla)) {

Efficiency of Querying 10 Billion Rows (with High Cardinality) in ScyllaDB

Suppose I have a table with ten billion rows spread across 100 machines. The table has the following structure: PK1 PK2 PK3 V1 V2 Where PK represents a partiti

Can I send a database in a zip folder with mantaining the connection between the database and the php file

I want to send a folder that contains my HTML code, CSS, js and PHP. how can I include the database and keep the connection between my files and the database?

How can I create a partitioned table in EF Core?

Let's say I have an object like this: public class ObjectA { public int Id {get;set;} public DateTime CreatedOn {get;set;} ...etc } I want to partitio

How to compare elements from an ArrayList with data from a table in MySQL

The idea is I'm making a little restaurant app in Java so in this class is given the option to make an order. It works this way: the user writes which products

I need to apply a 24hour cooldown after use, and add to the token balance on a correct answer (discord.js v13)

Here is the challenge bot slash command: const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders'); const { MessageEmbed, MessageAttachment

What do these different properties in SQL Server's (Azure Synapse's) Estimated Execution Plan mean?

I'm trying to work on the statistics, and as a part of it, I'm trying to look at the execution plan of certain SELECT * commands with a WHERE condition on a par

Postgres Sql - How to apply Offset on Timestamp

My offset-date-time object I store in the DB with 2 columns, one timestamp(UTC) column and another corresponding offset. For example, if I get: 2017-05-01T16:16

How to speed up collect() from a dbconnect database

I'm reading tables from an odbc driver on an amazonaws server. I am using R 4.0.0 on a 64 bit windows computer. Working from home and using company's VPN so my

TDengine import from csv file

Just found the speed for importing sorted csv file is faster than the speed for importing unsorted csv file in TDengine database, each csv file has 1000000 rows

Consult the mot problem of the openGauss database

After the MOT transaction in the openGauss database is complete, the local memory is not released. How can I find the cause?

When I use the MOT feature of the openGauss database,how can I manually release the numa_node node?

When I use the MOT feature of the openGauss database, the numa_node node is full and is not released for a long time. How can I manually release it? Is there an