Category "console"

Java - ATM Banking login with 3 times try pin lock

I'm new to java programming. I'm trying to make a banking system log-in that locks the user after entering the wrong pin 3 times. I'm trying to merge 2 pieces o

How to print UTF-8 (or unicode) characters in Go (golang) on Windows

Let's have a look at this: ✓ Hello, 世界 As you can see there is a unicode checkmark and chinese/japanese characters. In go, If I use MSYS

Java Hibernate Different Behavior between starting jar from console and explorer with double click

In my JavaFx project I use Hibernate to connect to a local Postgresql database. In Intellij the project runs and the connection works. Also when I start the for

Script @php artisan package:discover handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255

I moved my project from desk to another. When I run php artisan it does not work. I tried to run composer update, but it returns the error Script @php a

Windows Console (conhost) discards newline when output matches witdth of the window

I have a C++ application on Windows, that logs to stdout (via the Win32 api using WriteConsole). Each logline consists of some text and a trailing newline chara

NHOST TypeError: (intermediate value) is not a function

The following code from NHOST ( import { NhostClient } from '@nhost/nhost-js' const nhost = ne

How to create laravel storage symbolic link for production or sub domain system?

When I worked on laravel local development server php artisan storage:link works fine for me. But when I transfer my site to production server then I saw my pub

PHP - Write console output to file AND to console?

I want to write the console output to a file AND to the console itself. To write the console output to a file I'm using this: ob_start(); ... ... $output = ob

Strange statistics in Google Play Developer Console

Today I noticed strange statistics in my Google Play Developer Console in one of my application It is about Final installs on active devices: 17 July - th

VSCode won't open console in an external window

I am a beginner in C# just recently learning it soon. Whenever I run my Project.cs file, it does not open in an external terminal despite the launch.json file h

Console/Symfony Call command from controller

I have some issues with Console when I try to call a Command from a Controller. I found a way in the Symfony CookBook :

Error in MySQL when setting default value for DATE or DATETIME

I'm running MySql Server 5.7.11 and this sentence: updated datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' is not working. Giving the error: ERROR 1067 (420

Access Unity Log Stacktrace when highlighting a Log?

When I select any item from the console Log, is there any way to get access to the information is displaying? I'm interested in accessing the information as a s

Why I get this error: Couldn't find the node_modules state file - running an install might help (findPackageLocation)?

I tried a lot, but my projects don't run with yarn, while already worked(made with create-react-app). I tried: yarn install - npm install --global yarn - npm up

Visual Studio Code not showing console logs

For example, in this method, I use console.log() to log to console for debugging purposes _onSearchTextChanged = (event) => { console.log('_onSearchText

How to install a custom certificate in Symfony server?

With server:ca:install on the Symfony console an SSL certificate can be generated and installed. Is it possible / How to install an existing one, created separa

.NET Core console app Mediatr command handler doesn't get called

I'm facing a problem that Mediatr command handler is not called. I have the following solution structure. Project.sln -> Application layer (.NET standard cl

How do I round console.time logs?

When I use console.time and console.timeEnd to measure the execution speed of a function or code snippet in JavaScript it prints this to the console: timer: 146

Why is my rock/paper/scissors game getting the same random number for multiple function calls?

I have made a functioning (if possibly extremely verbose) game of rock/paper/scissors. If I run the game by calling the function once over and over the 'compute

Where can I find console log of lite-server?

I’m now developing a simple Dapp using Truffle. When command npm run dev is submitted, the console mode changes as below. Therefore, even though “c