Category "amazon-waf"

When using Terraform with AWS, how can I set a rate limit on a specific URI path (or regex of a URI path) on an ALB

I am trying to rate limit requests to the forgot password change URL using WAFv2 rules attached to an ALB on Cloudfront. What I think I need to do is.. Create t

AWS SAM - AWS::WAFv2::WebACLAssociation - AWS WAF couldn?t perform the operation because your resource doesn?t exist

We are trying create a AWS::WAFv2::IPSet in our SAM template. WhitelistedIPAddressesIPSet: Type: AWS::WAFv2::IPSet Properties: Description: 'Mer

How to use AWS WAF to block certain URLs

I am trying to use AWS WAF to block requests with certain URL patterns. I am using the string matching filter, but it is not blocking the requests. I must be