Category "colors"

Change VS Code debug console font color?

For whatever reason, the font color of my debug console is a blue which makes it really difficult to read. I'm not sure if this is due to vs code settings or ma

SwiftUI custom accentColor not working on physical device(iOS 13) but works everywhere else(iOS 14.0+)

In my SwiftUI View I've an Image that I've loaded from assets. I've set the foregroundColor to accentColor, which I've also set in asset as my custom AccentColo

Python, Spherical Plot- Color Scaling

I'm pretty new with python. For the past two days I have been trying to figure out how to scale the color of a 3d plot (Antenna Radiation Pattern) with matplotl

Setting fix for terminal color in VSCode

I just started to download vscode minutes ago. However, I am having a problem with my terminal in vscode where it is just plain white, including the path text.

Setting fix for terminal color in VSCode

I just started to download vscode minutes ago. However, I am having a problem with my terminal in vscode where it is just plain white, including the path text.

Rainbow text animation using only CSS

I got inspired by this Rainbow Text Animation rainbow-text-animation, and I would like to use only CSS to make this happen instead of all that complicated SCSS

How to change color of just the bottom side of the border of raised button in flutter?

How to change color of just one side of the border of a raised button in flutter?

SwiftUI - Pulsating Animation & Change Colour

I'm trying to change the colour of my animation based on the state of something. The colour change works but it animates the previous (orange) colour with it. I

How does one shift hue in CIE-XYZ color space?

I need to implement my own hue rotation function within the CIE color space. I can't find any technical descriptions of how this is done. I found high level des

Plot 2d array using matplotlib based on fixed value-based color regions

I'd like to plot a 2d array using matplotlib based on fixed value-based color regions. For example, fixed color regions are 0 < value < 5 = red, 5 < va

Plotly: How to define colors in a figure using Plotly Graph Objects and Plotly Express?

There are many questions and answers that touch upon this topic one way or another. With this contribution I'd like to clearly show why an easy approch such as

How can I change icons color in button?

I created button with text and icon: <Button android:id="@+id/btnLinkToProfile" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_he

Extract color palette of a webpage [closed]

I intend to recolor a website with a new palette of colors. I plan to first extract the colors from the webpage and determine its color palett

Multiple color fills in matplotlib markers

I want to use multiple colors in a marker made with matplotlib. Doing two colors was not that difficult, following this example, and with some additional info f

How Do I Change Placeholder Text on Google Places Autocomplete Component in React Native?

I have been trying to find a way to change the placeholder text for a GooglePlacesAutocomplete Component in React Native. I have tried looking through the offic

How to change color of text in plotly scatter and different marker?

I want use to plot iris dataset. It has an color parameter in scatter data work like hue in seabron but it only change the color of marker and cant chan

Control a Plotly line color according to its value?

I'm creating a dashboard in which I would like to compare the difference of price between two regions directly. If the price of region 1 is higher, y is POSITIV

Can someone give me a really simple example for changing the color of text?

I have searched the Internet for a very simple example, but all of them were too complex and I couldn't understand them. Here is my code, but my linter said th

Looking to extract a random color value from an image. Code type doesn't matter

So, I need a tool that will pick a random color from an image and give me the hex code for it. In specific, from an image of a 4-point gradient. I'm hoping to b

Why is ANSI printing the code the first time the function is called and printing colours the second time around?

I am trying to change the colour output of my printf statements in a connect 4 game. I have made a function to set the print colour and reset it. It works for m