Category "heatmap"

How to apply borderWidth to data items in Heatmap using Echarts?

Is there a way to apply border width around data items in heat map Echarts? I'm trying to create a table like chart with colours applied to each cell based on s

How do a heatmap or lines of levels (on a map) with Bokeh?

I find a lot of example heatmap with Bokeh but it is with three variables (three values, for example: x, y and temperature). And it's not for a map. I would lik

Negative gradients when calculating GradCAM heatmap

I have a Segmentation network model trained for 2 classes and am able to see accurate results. But when using grad-cam for the heatmap, I am able to see good re

How to create a correlation heat map in tableau?

I have successfully created the correlation heat map in Jupiter notebook using python, but how do I replicate that in tableau for a presentation?

pandas Groupby matrix of one condition based on the other condition bin by time

I have a Dataset like below that divided to two desired group by below condition Employee No Event date Event Description Quarter Year 102 2021-10-12 First Hir

How to efficiently compute the heat map of two Gaussian distribution in Python?

I am trying to produce a heat map where the pixel values are governed by two independent 2D Gaussian distributions. Let them be Kernel1 (muX1, muY1, sigmaX1, si

Tableau - heat maps - hottest and coldest per column not overall data set

I'm trying to create a heat map in Tableau that will show me the hottest and coldest values per field, at the moment it is currently just assessing all values i

Python: How to plot heat map of 2D matrix by ignoring zeros?

I have a matrix of size 500 X 28000, which contains a lot of zeros in between. But let us consider a working example with the matrix A: A = [[0, 0, 0, 1, 0],

Colors for heatmap in R

I'm making a heatmap in R, but being very new to R, I have some questions: My data is a big matrix 21 columns and 89 rows, containing numbers from 0 to 16. I w

Correlation heatmap of many datasets

I am working with niftis (Neuroimaging format) looking at 3D volumes of the brain. I want to compare experiments with brain activity. Therefore I have about 2

R - Correlation heatmap created with ggplot2: How can I flip the labels on the y-axis?

I found this easy way to create a correlation heatmap using ggplot2: data(attitude) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) ggplot(melt(cor(attitude)), aes(Var1,

How to force color mapping to a dynamic range larger than the particular input to imshow in matplotlib

Suppose I want to make 2+ heatmaps (on the same, or different Figures) and have the color<->value mapping be the same among them. By default, the extre

Heatmaps of RNA SEQ data

This is my first time in working with RNA SEQ data and I have some problems with heatmap My data is as follows Data I wanted to create a heatmap to show tissu

Heatmaps of RNA SEQ data

This is my first time in working with RNA SEQ data and I have some problems with heatmap My data is as follows Data I wanted to create a heatmap to show tissu

Highchart yaxis categories crowded

I have a highchart heatmap with categories. Since there are numerous categories the map looks crowded. Even though I enabled y-axis scrolling the pixel per cate