Category "celery"

Cannot connect to RabbitMQ Celery

I am using Celery,RabbitMq,FastAPI,docker to develop a application.This is my docker-compose-yml. services: rabbitmq: container_name: rabbitmq

GKE: Does each Node have her own external public IP?

I want to pull data from a crypto exchange API. For that I would run my code in GKE. The API is limited at 20 requests per second. But if I would run my program

Celery + Django on Windows: debugging asynchronous tasks

With Django 1.8 I used Django-celery to run asynchronous tasks and I was able to debug them in my IDE (either PyCharm or Eclipse+PyDev) just launching "python c

on building docker image level=error msg="Can't close tar writer: io: read/write on closed pipe"

time="2017-10-27T07:39:20Z" level=error msg="Can't add file /var/app/current/app/content_classifier/forest.pickle to tar: io: read/write on closed pipe" time="

uwsgi error: "celery: not found" with celery run in a venv with attach-daemon2

If I run celery manually, from within my django app's virtual environment, it works: (hackerspace) 90158@hackerspace:~/hackerspace/src$ celery -A hackerspace_o

Possible race condition between Django post_save signal and celery task

In a django 2.0 app I have a model, called Document, that uploads and saves an image to the file system. That part works. I am performing some facial recognitio

why the PyCharm did not hit the breakpoint when debugging celery

I want to debugging the celery(celery==5.1.2) task in PyCharm(PyCharm 2021.3.1 (Professional Edition)) right now. So I configure the PyCharm debugging like this

why could not debugging the python celery in PyCharm

I am trying to debugging the celery in PyCharm, when I start the celery in PyCharm the task did not trigger the breakpoint. This is the PyCharm config look like

Many tasks at once in Celery?

If we use celery beat and run about 1000 tasks by same crontab schedule, will tasks run one by one or some tasks will not run (cause of out of time)? redis as M

Celery's pytest fixtures (celery_worker and celery_app) does not work

I'm trying to write a Celery(v. 4.2.1) integration test for my Django(v. 2.2.3) application. There is a bunch of outdated articles about this around, but non o

How to check if celery task is already running before running it again with beat?

I have a periodic task scheduled to run every 10 minutes. Sometimes this task completes in 2-3 minutes, sometimes it takes 20 minutes. Is there any way using

Celery No hostname was supplied. Reverting to default 'localhost'

I have this in my /var/log/celery/w1.log I'm following the steps for Celery here. I have this in my from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_l

Celery task log using google-cloud-logging

I'm currently managing my API using Celery tasks and a kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform. Celery is automatically logging input and output of each tas

Using multiprocessing pool from celery task raises exception

FOR THOSE READING THIS: I have decided to use RQ instead which doesn't fail when running code that uses the multiprocessing module. I suggest you use that. I a

How can I get results/failures for celery tasks from a redis backend when I don't store their their task-ID?

In my web-application I start backgrounds jobs with celery without storing their id. Some of the task are periodic and some are triggered by user-interaction. T

RabbitMQ set_permissions syntax

I've installed rabbitmq and it's running. I've successfully add_user as well as add_vhost. But in the next step of the documentation it says to set_permissions

django errno 104 Connection reset by peer

I am trying to run my django server on an Ubuntu instance on AWS EC2. I am using gunicorn to run the server like this : gunicorn --workers 4 --bind

Django model doesn't get saved to database inside Celery Task

I've hit a really nasty situation. I have the following setup. I have a django model representing an FSM with a django FSM field I have a celery task that sen

Task priority in celery with redis

I would like to implement a distributed job execution system with celery. Given that rabbitMQ doesn't support priorities and I'm painfully needing this feature,

How to listen to already existing SQS queue with Celery and Django?

I want to listen to an existing SQS queue through Celery. I have already done publishing to Queue via celery and then consuming from that queue through workers