Category "arrays"

Index of array exists when logged to console but does not exist when accessed directly

I have a 2-dimensional array that stores "chunks" as canvases in a game. I've encountered a weird problem that seems to have manifested itself seemingly without

How to get the specific attribute "folder_name" value from XML & store it in an array in React js?

class LoadXml extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { total_page: null, menu_array: [] }; }

creating a class object array inside another object?

I've got these three classes class Totalizavel def retorna (qnt, valor) total = qnt * valor return total end end class Venda < Tota

Finding the closest vertex below a certain height, from a start position

I have procedurally generated Islands with lakes, its basically a 3D mesh that has points above the water line and points below it, any vertex/point below the w

Find Indices of the pair of elements in the Array such that they add up to the Target value

I want to find a target sum in an array by adding integers until it's reached, then return the indexes which add up to the target by using streams. For example,

Sorting arrays in JavaScript [closed]

I received a big array of object from the backend and I used filtering to leave only these values const markets = ['IT', 'DE', 'UK', 'FR', 'NL

How do I separate items in an arraylist by character in Java?

I'm working on a game of Go Fish for a school assignment and I need to separate a group of 4 cards in order to keep score. Any help would be greatly appreciated

array of integer input from user

I have a question related to filling it in an array. In the program I have to write I am given "input from user: different number of numbers separated by space

How to modify byte strings?

Let's say I have the following ELF file in python: >>> data=open('file','rb').read() >>> data b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0

Angular typescript update class if element is in array

I am doing an APP in Angular 12. In my component.ts I have an string array[] like AccessRoles["AA","BB"] And on the other side I have a class like this export c

Mean, Var, and Std

The Task is You are given a 2-D array of size X. Your task is to find: The mean along axis The var along axis The std along axis Input Format The first line con

Make array of numbers in one cell in Excel [closed]

Is it possible to store some numbers in one cell (as an array)? Please see below: cell A1: 4,4,3,4,1,3,3,4 cell A2: 5 (5th element of array)

How to check if string contains ANY values in the given array AND NOT others values

I wanna make simple string calculator, my point is to check that user typed in any values from the array and not others. string[] occurences = new string[] { "1

How to convert a two-dimensional byte array into a single byte (Arduino)?

I have this array: bool data[] = {{1,1,1,1},{0,0,0,0}}; And I need to convert it into bool data type like this: byte data = 11110000; Any ideas?

BigQuery - turn columns to array

I have this table: I'm looking for this table: I have searched for array functions (array_agg) and it didn't work as expected. How can I approach this task? W

How can I convert from a{a{} b{}} to a[a[],b[]] using php preg_match?

Group test { Group test1 { #-# Type Val 1 typ1 10 2 typ2 10 3 typ3 10 } Group test2 {

BigQuery - turn columns to array

I have this table: I'm looking for this table: I have searched for array functions (array_agg) and it didn't work as expected. How can I approach this task? W

How to assign key to each Item or value in array in javascript?

I have an array like this: [link1,link2,link3] But I want it like this: [uri:link1,uri:link2,uri:link3] Please guide me over this. Thanks.

How do i copy an array from a lua file

I Want to copy an array from a text file and make another array equal it so local mapData = { grass = { cam = "hud", x = 171, image

Describing a numbering system that counts from x at the y position in an index

From a theoretical perspective, I'm interested in learning how one would correctly describe a numbering system that starts counting from x at the y position in