Category "aws-lambda"

Routing in a lambda function without API Gateway

I have an express app and is deployed via serverless. My stack is just a lambda function + API Gateway. That works and it's accessible on Postman or httpxmlrequ

Why do I get a UserCodeSyntaxError when I have no syntax error in my code?

I'm currently creating a Dialogflow chatbot in nodejs and upon deploying my code I get an error message. I've attempted to uncomment most things out to just be

How to print the most recent Cloudwatch log for a certain Lambda function from the AWS CLI?

I am trying to use the AWS CLI and ASK CLI to code an Alexa skill, and I would like to be able to use the Alexa simulator and view the console logs directly fro

Where can I find the source code for AWS Lambda's dotnetcore3.1 runtime?

AWS publishes a lot of their source code on GitHub, but so far I haven't been able to find the source for the dotnetcore3.1 Lambda Runtime. I expect this source

Is there anyway to generate a SRP_A from AWS CLI?

aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id eu-west-1_xxxxx --client-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --auth-flow USER_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=xxx@yahoo.

Can I try out AWS Lambda locally without a AWS account?

I would like to deploy a fully localized AWS Lambda Serverless application on my home server (ironic I know), to evaluate AWS. I saw that it was possible to dep

List objects in an AWS S3 bucket (deployed using Serverless)

I seem to be getting permission issues and can't find any SO answer to resolve this. My Lambda function is simple (note -- I am using Babel to transpile): im

How can an S3 event trigger a Lambda Function in a VPC?

I have one query. I tried to google it but could not find the answer specific to my query. S3 is a global service. We can access it via the internet or using th

request returning "Endpoint request timed out"

I have deployed a flask app on aws lambda using zappa now the app is running fine on all end points except my main one when i give post request on it it returns

serverless - Type Error: Cannot read property 'Properties' of undefined

When issuing serverless deploy --region eu-central-1, I get the error Type Error --------------------------------------------- Cannot read property 'Proper

API takes longer to load first time opening my webpage

I have a Django app configured on AWS Lambda with zappa. In this app I created some basic APIs with DRF. On the otherside I have a ReactJS frontend that makes

How to subscribe AWS Lambda to Salesforce Platform Events

We want to integrate Salesforce into out Micro Service Structure in AWS. There is a article about this here So we want to subscribe lambda to certain platform

AWS Cognito - run another lambda after migration lambda has run

Cognito has a migration lambda that allows us to confirm a user in our db. They send the email and PW to Cognito, the lambda fires, we verify matches, and the u

Posting form file to ASP .NET Core API using AWS SDK Test Lambda Context and APIGatewayProxyRequest

I have an ASP .NET Core API endpoint which accepts the below model: public class FileUploadModel { public IFormFile? File { get; set; } public DateTime?

Response card with attachment returned to Lex from Lambda doesn't contain attachment

I use AWS Lambda function written in Python to return a response card with an attachment (according to

Getting authorizer context from Step Function executed from API Gateway

I'm trying to get my API Gateway api to: Run an authorizer Pass authorizer context to a Step Function execution Respond to client with Step Function output I al

Facebook Messenger doesn't display messages returned by bot's lambdas

I created a chatbot with Amazon Lex and integrated it with Facebook Messenger. Responses defined in Lex Console (Response section) are returned to the messenger

AWS CloudFormation stack stuck in the state UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS

I wanted to update my stack. The stack failed with error Function not found: arn:aws:lambda.... And stack in status UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS more than 5 hour

Copy and Merge files to another S3 bucket

I have a source bucket where small 5KB JSON files will be inserted every second. I want to use AWS Athena to query the files by using an AWS Glue Datasource and

Your access has been denied by S3, please make sure your request credentials have permission to GetObject for awsserverlessrepo

Lambda uses "Browse Serviceless Application Repository" to create an application when creating a function and shows no S3 permissions. Here is how my Lambda cre