Category "plotly-dash"

How to embed and display Google Sheets on Dash app excluding the menu and toolbar?

My goal is to show only the first tab of the sheet and to hide the editing toolbar. I found a few sources that were achieving this goal by adding &rm=mi

Use Python plotly chart in PHP

I have created a pie graph with Python plotly library fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=data["x"], values=data['value'])]) fig = dcc.Graph(id='pie_graph', fi

Retrieve click data from Python Holoviews / Datashader

I'm coming from Python-Dash trying to achieve an interactive graphing functionality by creating a second graph using the click data of the first one. Similar to

Is there any way to display Plotly Express Graph in React App

Plotly Express provides very easy functions to draw customizable scatter plots, since I did not get any help regarding this question from over a week -> ques

Docker image not running on host 8050

I am trying to teach myself how to deploy a dash application on AWS. I have created a folder 'DashboardImage' on my mac that contains a Dockerfile,, r

Python plotly Scattermapbox define colors by category

I want to draw some colored areas on a map. The coordinates are defined in a dataframe and I want each area to have a different color depending on the test_type

Keep plotly updatemenu button active when changing plot range dynamically in Dash

I need some advice concerning the updatemenu buttons in plotly. I am dynamically changing the plot range of a graph and I trigger different traces with the upda

Error message when attempting launch plotly dash

I checked the errors and looked up everything I could try to fix the issue in every way I could. This is the error I'm getting: Can someone please tell me what

Creating tooltip using callback for dash DataTable

I am trying to create tooltip for a dash data_table using callback. But my multiple attempts are unsuccessful. I have seen examples where tooltip is create by r

Plotly Dash - TypeError: Object of type Polygon is not JSON serializable

I am attempting to plot choropleth map using dash and mapbox. At runtime, I am getting an error "TypeError: Object of type Polygon is not JSON serializable". sa

Plotly: How to define colors in a figure using Plotly Graph Objects and Plotly Express?

There are many questions and answers that touch upon this topic one way or another. With this contribution I'd like to clearly show why an easy approch such as

How to write math symbols in plotly dash app?

I want to plot math symbols in a plotly dash app. For example, I've Tried this: import dash import dash_html_components as html app = dash.Dash(__name__) app.

Download Plotly Figure as HTML object using Dash Callback in python

I am trying to download a series of plots using a button. I currently have one button that creates the graphs and displays it on the dashboard. The other button

Control a Plotly line color according to its value?

I'm creating a dashboard in which I would like to compare the difference of price between two regions directly. If the price of region 1 is higher, y is POSITIV

Adding JavaScript to my Plotly Dash app (Python)

I'm building a dashboard using Dash in Python. I have configured all the graphs nicely (it's running on the server here) and the next step is to create a respon

How to display multiple images with a loop with python dash

I'm doing this to display multiple images with dash but it clearly isn't working as it only displays one image. for i in images: app.layout = html.Div([

Align dash core components horizontally

I want to align two Dropdown menus and a DatePickerRange horizontally. But with the following code: import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_h

VSCode dash app.run_server(debug=True) not working - runs but says 'no module named <file name>' and does not load

debug=True is not working in VSCode. When I try to run it, I get this error: > Dash is running on > > * Serving Flask app 'Tes

TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'marks'

I'm getting the following error of TypeError: __init__() got multiple values for argument 'marks' for the code below and I'm not sure how to best fix it. i know

Dash datatable with expandable/collapsable rows

Similar to qtTree, I would like to have a drill down on a column of a datatable. I guess this is better illustrated with an example. Assume we have a dataframe