Category "arrow-python"

Increment date with arrow in python not changing properties

I am using .replace and .shift method to increment/decrement an arrow date. However the behaviour is completely unexpected. See the python session below as exam

Convert humanize time into UTC time using arrow python

I have time given in the following format. 'August 28, 2017 Mon 03:30 am - 04:00 am' I would like to convert it to the following utc format using arrow.

Set time with Python Arrow

Do you know how I can set time using Python Arrow to today at 00:00:00 and to now in localtime. With time library I do something similar but in UTC: from_date_

Python convert datetime.time to arrow

I need to convert a python object datetime.time to an arrow object. y = datetime.time() >>> y datetime.time(0, 0) >>> arrow.get(y) TypeErro

Get day of year from python arrow

_date = '2017-03-17T00:00:00' import arrow arrow.get(_date) How can I get day of year from the above code?

Python arrow add hour/minutes/etc vs replace [closed]

I wanted to use arrow vs datetime in Python, and I want to convert the following example to arrow: end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=5)