Category "freepascal"

How do I use SDL_PeepEvents properly in multiple event loops?

I would like to do a simple thing — in the unit with the logic of handling the window, I want to update the window (the first event loop), and then in ano

Pascal beginner program

Program q2; Var input: integer ; Var repeatvar: char ; Procedure display(input : integer) ; Begin If (input = 9) then Write ('***********************

Getting application version number in Lazarus project not working

I'm using the following unit to try to read the application version number in a Lazarus project but GetProductVersion always returns http://forum.lazar

Memory Leak detection in Lazarus - again

I am using Lazarus 2.0.4 on Windows 10. Trying to track memory leaks in a quite large project I tried to familiarize myself with the heaptrc and lineinfo units/