'Unable to load a specific URL with Cypress

I’m unable to load the following URL with Cypress. Getting timeout error. I have set the page load time to 2 mins, still same issue. General URLs eg. (https://www.google.co.nz/) works fine.

it(‘First Test’, () => {

Solution 1:[1]

Here's a way, not the best, could be improved...

The Countdown site has an aversion to being run in an iframe, but it can be tested in a child window, see custom command here Cypress using child window

Cypress.Commands.add('openWindow', (url, features) => {
  const w = Cypress.config('viewportWidth')
  const h = Cypress.config('viewportHeight')
  if (!features) {
    features = `width=${w}, height=${h}`
  console.log('openWindow %s "%s"', url, features)

  return new Promise(resolve => {
    if (window.top.aut) {
      console.log('window exists already')
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/open
    window.top.aut = window.top.open(url, 'aut', features)

    // letting page enough time to load and set "document.domain = localhost"
    // so we can access it
    setTimeout(() => {
      cy.state('document', window.top.aut.document)
      cy.state('window', window.top.aut)
    }, 10000)

Can test with that like this

cy.openWindow('https://shop.countdown.co.nz/').then(() => {
  cy.contains('Saved Recipes', {timeout:10000})  // if this is there, have navigated

I bumped the setTimeout() in custom command to 10 seconds, cause this site drags it's feet a bit.


// cypress.json
  "baseUrl": "https://shop.countdown.co.nz/",
  "chromeWebSecurity": false,
  "defaultCommandTimeout": 20000       // see below for better way

enter image description here

Command timeout error

Using Gleb's child window command, there's a timeout error that I can't track the source of.

To avoid it I set "defaultCommandTimeout": 20000 in config, but since it's only needed for the openWindow call it's better to remove the global setting and use this instead

cy.then({timeout:20000}, () => {
  cy.openWindow('https://shop.countdown.co.nz/', {}).then(() => {
    cy.contains('Saved Recipes', {timeout:10000})  // if this is there, have navigated

To check if the long command timeout only applies once, break one of the inner test commands and check that that it times out in the standard 4000 ms.

cy.then({timeout:20000}, () => {
  cy.openWindow('https://shop.countdown.co.nz/', {}).then(() => {
    cy.contains('Will not find this').click()  // Timed out retrying after 4000ms

Solution 2:[2]

The quotes are wrong. Try the below code:

it('First Test', ()=>{ cy.visit('https://shop.countdown.co.nz/') })

Solution 3:[3]

On trying to visit the URL I am getting the error:

cy.visit() failed trying to load:


We attempted to make an http request to this URL but the request failed without a response.

We received this error at the network level:


Common situations why this would fail:

  • you don't have internet access
  • you forgot to run / boot your web server
  • your web server isn't accessible
  • you have weird network configuration settings on your computer

Error Screenshot:

Error screenshot

Lets look into the common situations where this might happen:

  • you don't have internet access: I have a internet access, so this can be ruled out.
  • you forgot to run / boot your web server - Your site is accessible from a normal browser, this can be ruled out as well.
  • your web server isn't accessible - This is a possibility where may be there are firewall settings at the server end because of which cypress is not getting any response when accessing the site.
  • you have weird network configuration settings on your computer - This can be ruled out as well.

Solution 4:[4]

I had a similar issue, so what I observed in my case was that the URL was not getting added to the iframe src property and hence cy.visit() was getting timed out each time.

So, I added the URL manually to the src property of the iframe. Here's my custom command for reference:

Cypress.Commands.add('goto', url => {
  return new Promise(res => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const frame = window.top.document.getElementsByClassName('aut-iframe')[0];
      frame.src = url;
      var evt = window.top.document.createEvent('Event');
      evt.initEvent('load', false, false);
    }, 300);

Now use cy.goto('https://yoururl.com') and you are good to go.


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Srinivas Raghupatruni
Solution 3 Alapan Das
Solution 4 Madhur Bansal