Category "cypress"

Testcafe request with cookies

I am trying to find a method in testcafes API similar to Cypress' request. Cypress' request will attach any cookies to the request that already exist in the b

how to find href attribute to an element using cypress testing library?

using findByRole I get this error because of multiple matches on search my parameter. Timed out retrying after 5000ms: Found multiple elements with the role "li

Cypress wait for API after button click

I've made a React app, which all works perfectly and I'm now writing some end to end tests using Cypress. The React app all works on the same url, it's not got

Inside error occured (client side): undefinedTypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))

I am asking this from a QA point of view. I have a web application that I test with When I access the localhost from outside Cypress, everything is

I can't get id or data-test in cypress recently

I'm trying to get a button with [data-test=ex_button] and click on it in cypress with using the following code: cy.get('[data-test=ex_button]').click({ force: t

How to define types for Cypress task return type?

My objective is to define types for my cypress task, written in typescript. I currently have this when I consume the custom task: cy.task('customTask').then(v =

How to get HTML attribute value in Cypress

I am starting to learn Cypress after few years working with Selenium. In Selenium i'm regularly using GetAttribute() method. As an exercise i'm trying to do the

Cypress Uncaught Assertion Error despite cy.on('uncaught:exception')

In relation to the following error: Uncaught Error: Script error. Cypress detected that an uncaught error was thrown from a cross origin script. We cannot prov

Cypress: How to visit a url of a different origin?

I'm new to cypress and have ran into an issue. I have my base URL set to the domain I want to test, the issue is when I want to test the ability to login on my

Look for elements in AG grid Tables with Cypress

I have ag grid tables and I need to interact with elements in it, I need to find them and then make some interactions or assertions. My issue is only elements i

Lost intellisense for cypress in visual studio code

I got a very strange problem. I created a cypress project very basic and simple one, only examples test cases and did not have any other devDependencies only

Cypress shows the JS window._tcfapi error which I cannot reproduce from manual testing

Cypress test which reproduce this error This t

How to run a test multiple times in

I have a test case to fix a bug that appears 1 in X times. I'd like to run the same test multiple times but I can't find any documentation that explains how to

Cypress Windows - Error: read ECONNRESET at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:209:20)

I have installed Cypress on my PC but when I try to use it at the end of test execution, it fails due to following error: Error: read ECONNRESET at TCP.onStream

Delaying Intercept responses in Cypress

I am writing cypress tests, and I want to test a feature of our program which will display data as it begins to appear. This could be a list with several hundre

Cypress: How to know if element is visible or not in using If condition and xpath?

Cypress: How to know if element is visible or not in using If condition? The answer of the above question works perfectly for CSS selectors. The answer is

Cypress: How to know if element is visible or not in using If condition and xpath?

Cypress: How to know if element is visible or not in using If condition? The answer of the above question works perfectly for CSS selectors. The answer is

How to open open card and verify the content inside then open the second card and verify the content and so on

I need to open the first card and verify that everything inside matches the hashtag 'Fashion' and then do the same for the next 3 cards and then press the 'next

Cypress: I want run tests in 100 spec files by login one time and persist login for every file. Is it possible?

I have almost 100 specs files including multiple tests. I want run all these specs files by login one time. I dont want my cypress should login process every ti

Cypress cache - server session expired

Can Cypress clear browser cookies/cache before each test? The problem I am experiencing is the first execution is ok, but the second fails due to the cache. I t